Ethan stood in front of the cabin that he had once lived in, it all looked the same way it had looked the day his family passed away. He took a shaky breath and looked to his love taking hold of her hand tightly before walking up to the door and creaking it open. He glanced around the living room, the coffee table had been thrown aside, the rug on the floor had been messed up and pushed from its former place, picture frames had fallen from the fireplaces surface broke upon impact and blood stains on the wooden floor boards still remained. Ethan walked inside, every step he took the boards would creak.
"So this is what it looked like when everythin' happened?" (Y/n) questioned looking around the room curiously. Ethan walked over to the fireplace seeing his own blood to the right of where he was facing and his sisters to the left of his. Ethan closed his eyes hearing his families screams, the gunshots and sound of glass breaking all around him. (Y/n) walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Ethan? Are you alright?" She asked him earning his attention as he snapped open his frightened eyes. He nodded frantically biting his lip before stepping over the picture frames and made his way to the kitchen that was down the hall from the living room. He walked inside of the kitchen to see it was just how his mother had left it, clean and spotless except for a pan on the floor where she had dropped what she was doing due to the people who had broken into the house.
"Momma can I help you cook one day?" A young Ethan begged his mother, he stood in front of the counter with his hands placed on its surface, his mother was by his side washing dishes in the sink.
"Your father would not be happy of that choice Ethan, you can help me clean the dishes tonight after dinner or you can help me set up the table with your sister if you would like to," his mother said looking to her son. Ethan looked around 8 maybe, he smiled at his mother before running off down the hall towards his sisters room. The real Ethan turned around to watch the memory run by but it soon vanished before he could do anything. Ethan had came face to face with (Y/n) who had just came around the corner.
"Are you gettin' this eerie feelin' from this place?" She asked him as she went into the kitchen and spun around in wonder of how tidy the kitchen was kept. "The kitchen always looked so nice even after a break it it still looks so neat." She gave a smile to Ethan who could only make a shaky one back. Ethan ran his fingers through his dark chocolate brown hair and turned on his heels down the hall to the other hall on the other side of the house and walked to his sisters room. The door had been kicked down from where they had dragged her from her room. Ethan walked inside of the room seeing her dolls scattered all over the floor and he bed all messy from where it had not been remade. He ran his fingers along the dresser hearing small giggles from a small little girl. He quickly looked up to see a little girl who appeared to be his little sister running to hide in her closet. She appeared around 10 years of age.
"7...8...9...10 ready or not, I'm comin'!" He heard himself shout, boots walked down the hall to her room, Ethan looked to the door to see a little bit younger version of himself, he appeared around 16 years of age. This was not long before she had died, he could tell. He watched as his younger self walked through the room trailing little bits of dirt in his shoes along the floorboards. "Peennnnyyyy," the boy called as he looked around though he knew she was behind the closet door. He got on his knees and lifted the covers of her bed and looked under the bed, he didn't see her so he stood back onto his feet. He made his way to the closet and opened the door quickly with a smile on his face. She giggled happily at her brother who had found her. "There's my Penny!" He exclaimed and pulled her from the closet and began to tickle her, she fell onto the ground laughing as her brother held her in place tickling her, he was bent over and didn't plan to get down on his knees. He ws so focused on his sisters laughter that he didn't realize his older brother had came into the room, both of the Ethan's looked to the door and saw Andrew in the doorway holding his pistol. The younger Ethan stopped tickling his sister and stood straight, the little girl jumped up and wrapped her arms around her brothers waist.

Dark Storms (Crankgameplays x Reader)
FanfictionYoung Ethan Nestor, an infamous outlaw of the west rides alongside Mark Fischbach, Tyler Scheid and Sean McLoughlin. Being the most ruthless outlaw in the west with a cold heartless stare he runs into a old love, (Y/n) Nelson and finds himself in th...