Chapter 23: Who You Are

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     Ethan was pacing along the river bank running his hands through his greasy hair as tears poured from his tired eyes.

     "I could have saved him, if I would have gotten back sooner I could have done it! I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM!" Ethan screamed at himself before picking up and stone and throwing it angrily with fire in his eyes into the cold water with a loud splash of water. The anger in his once sad eyes faded when he looked to the rushing waters in front of him. He saw her, his love in the water; she was smiling at him, her smile went from ear to ear. Ethan looked down to his feet in shame for ditching her back in that awful place, she was left where he didn't want her or his friend to be. He knew it wasn't safe, but didn't think of it until now.

     Ethan don't go please, it's scary here at night." He heard a young 10 year old (Y/n) say as they stood in the darkness of the night outside of town.

     "I'm not gonna go far, we are playin' hide and seek remember? I promise I will not go far, will come out of hiding if you get too scared" Ethan smiled brightly at the girl hoping to comfort her as he took hold of her smaller hands in his. She sighed and nodded before he went to go hide, she closed her eyes and counted to herself. Her voice was shaky and he knew she was scared so he just hid behind the closest tree he could. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times looking all around not finding any sign of him anywhere. Her breath hitched at the thought of him getting hurt or taken away from her. She frantically spun around looking for her friend, Ethan heard her panic and got out from his hiding spot.

     "I'm over here, I didn't leave..." she turned to face him, she smiled and ran into his arms hugging him close to her as he held her even tighter.

     "I don't like the thought of not knowin' where you are..." she let go of her friend and looked down, his smile faded. He lifted her chin so she could face him to see his smile and just to see her face.

     "It is just a game (Y/n/n), you won't have to worry about losin' me anytime soon trust me, I will always be there no matter what/"

    "Can we go home?" She whispered, Ethan nodded and lead her home.

    "I broke that once, I'm not about to break it again..." Ethan said as he looked to his feet, he raised his hand up a little to look at his bandaged dirty memory of a bullet striking through his hand. He shook off the memories and walked back to his horse that awaited him by a near tree.


     Meanwhile with (Y/n) and Tyler, they were riding through the woods heading towards the river where they think Ethan would be. (Y/n) held onto Tyler's waist tightly as the horse moved through the shrubs, trees, leaves and branches that had fallen onto the ground. No one has talked for a while due to their worry for their friend and determine to find him.

     "What's so special about that river?" Tyler randomly asks her, she immediately turned to look at him.

     "Well it is connected to mine and Ethan's hometown where we grew up and the river just holds many memories we have had together through the years we were together up there before we separated due to choices and things." Tyler just nodded at her as the ride went silent again, they never have really been left alone long enough to be comfortable together and be able to talk with ease. It wasn't that far now and she was getting even more anxious by every second. She looked all around the woods in panic hoping to find him just hiding behind a tree like he had done all those years ago. The two froze in place upon hearing horse hooves heading their direction, Tyler glanced to (Y/n) seeing the hope in her eyes as he turned back to the direction the horse hooves were coming from. The horse soon appeared over the small hill to show a pale white horse and a blank faced Ethan riding up in their direction.

     "Ethan!" (Y/n) squeaked in joy before hopping off Tyler's horse and run over to Ethan;s white steed.

     "I didn't go far, I never will." She smiled at his words before he grabbed her hand and helped her onto his horse, the horse moved a little at the new weight upon its back. Ethan released one hand from the reins and reached back to take hold of his loves free hand that wasn't around his waist.

     "I'm glad you are okay buddy..." Tyler commented, Ethan just replied with a small nod. He glanced back to make sure she was ready then spoke up.

     "Are you guys ready to head to Signe's farm?" The remaining gang members looked to each other giving a small nod before they rode off into the night.

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