Chapter 37: Horse and Ethan

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     "I don't understand this, why is that wherever I go someone always dies!" Ethan exclaims pacing. He has been doin' this for over an hour now. "Do you get what I mean?" He questioned looking at his white pale horse. That only made a little neigh at him.

     "Of course you wouldn't get it you're just a horse," Ethan sighed and sat down on the ground with a huff. "I am tryin' to be a good man, I am tryin' to change but no matter how hard I try people still die. I don't know what else to do, maybe Father Anderson was right Death is riding along behind me. Maybe I can't change." Ethan sighs and looks down as the horse lowered its head and nibbled on Ethan's ear lightly making him chuckle and put his hands on either side of the horses face. "I know... I should stop thinkin' negative, but I can't always help it buddy. -I just- I just want (Y/n) happy and I  want this all to be over." Ethan let go of his horse and sighed looking back into the window to see (Y/n) at the sink. He smiled a little at the sight before looking back to his horse.

     "She is everythin' to me buddy. I just want her safe at this point I don't care about myself, I only care about her. If I die that is fine, but if she does," Ethan stopped himself as he blinked back a few tears before continuing his words carefully and shakily. "I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for not saving her and getting to her in time." Ethan chuckled at his won words and shook his head. "I am starting to sound like Jack now," Ethan lowered his head at the thought if his friend. "He was right all those years that I didn't listen, he really did want to protect me, he really did care..." The pale horse made a small neigh and shook his head making its mane fling from side to side.

     "I know... I am losin' my mind, I am seriously talking to a horse, a god damn horse that cannot understand a word I am saying. Maybe I just wanted someone that wasn't (Y/n) to talk to? Maybe missed my friends and wanted to just think of you as my friends." Ethan let his chin rest on his hands in sadness .

     "Ethan? What are you doin' hun? Are you talkin' to your horse again? This is the third time today." (Y/n) said catching his attention as both him and his horse glanced to the girl that had walked out the door.

     "Sorry (Y/n), I just wanted to talk to somethin' so I could just let all of this stress out and just my thoughts," Ethan replied standing on his feet.

     "Well cowboy come inside dinners ready, I ain't sharin' with the horse tonight," she jokingly said as she walked inside.

     "She is all I have left buddy and I just can't lose her..." Ethan said one last time glancing to his horse before walking inside of the farmhouse letting the door swing shut behind him. (Y/n) had disappeared around the corner for a moment the reappeared with wrappings in hand and cleaning materials.

     "Before we eat I want to put new bandages on your hand, your hand will get infested even more and your bandages are so dirty." She took hold of Ethan's hand and began to unwrap the wrappings from his hand. When she finished undoing the wrappings her eyes widened to see the hole in his hand  that was burned half shut to stop it from bleeding. Her breath hitched when she moved the hand just slightly to show the hole went right through his hand. She brushed off her shivers and cleaned the hole up before wrapping the new bandages around is hand. She didn't say a word after and just walked into the kitchen without any words, Ethan sighed and looked at his newly bandaged hand before hanging up his hat onto the hanger then followed his love into the kitchen where they would be eating dinner.

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