Chapter 11: The Problem

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     Friday, October 15, 1897

     (Y/n) looked up from her bag to see her sisters horse racing over to the camp. She was confused as to why Amy was coming out here, was it important or did she have news? She stood up straight and started walking towards the incoming horse.

     "Ethan! Mark! Jack! Tyler! Sis!" Amy shouted getting the boys attention, the boys followed (Y/n) and watched as Amy pulled back on the reins quickly. She looked to be out of breath and trying really hard to catch it. Amy climbed from the saddle and wrapped her arms around her sister tightly.

     "How's everythin' here? Is everyone okay?" Amy questioned the gang when she had gotten her breath back.

     "Yeah? Why are you here?" Tyler asked the girl in front of him.

     "We have a problem... Pa left two days ago with a group of men from what I heard they went North, I don't know what he has planned but knowin' him it can't be good for y'all. He still hasn't returned yet, but I think he will be soon," Amy replied and looked between al the men and her sister in front of her.

     "Where did you hear this from Amy?" Mark questioned raising his brow in confusion and curiosity.

     "The store clerk in town, he knows all that is goin' on around there. He is very observant, I just came to warn you guys and give you guys some information I found out this mornin'."

     "Which way were they heading?" Jack asked.

     "He said they were headin' up stream of the Wood Valley River from what he saw. Where would they be going?" Ethan lowered his head and looked away from Amy with a sigh as he crossed his arms.

     "Manzanita Post..." Ethan said with a quiet tone that caught everyones attention.

     "Why there of all places that place is just a woodland!" Tyler exclaimed.

     "That's where (Y/n) and I lived before things happened that caused us to leave. He is most likely askin' around the town about if they have seen anythin' because most the time Marshall's never head up there. There is no law enforcement there." Ethan kept his arms crossed as he looked back to Tyler. "So, civilians wouldn't have a way of gettin' help unless they ride 100 miles to the next town over, it is easy for crime to happen."

     "That explains why when I was talkin' with the clerk he said you guys never touched Manzanita Post, have you?" (Y/n) asked looking at the boys.

     "No, Ethan won't go near that place anymore, those damned lawmen won't find any information there because no one has encountered us," Mark said as he glanced to Amy giving her a small comforting smile.

     "That don't make sense, why would he go up there to ask around if no one has seen you guys kill or do anythin'?" (Y/n) questioned. She was just as confused as the rest of them were, Marshall definitely had a plan if he went up there. There is no true information up there at all. 

     "Okay, lets not think too much about all of this. We are wastin' time in worryin', lets just focus on finding a new place to rob or a incoming train," Mark said trying to get everyone off the topic before it went too far.

     "So, we are basically just goin' to wait to die??" Tyler asked his leader with concern yet anger in his tone.

     "No, we are thinkin' about the present not the future Tyler, life keeps moving remember. Don't waste the time you have on small things that can be prevented." Mark didn't want to argue with him anymore so he gave him the look of back off and go get ready. Tyler obliged and went to his bed to just lay down and relax leaving Mark, Ethan, Jack, Amy and (Y/n) all just standing there.

     "Wanna race?" Jack asked Ethan with excitement and energy in his voice.

      "Are you challengin' me mister," Ethan raised an eyebrow as he looked to his friend who stood crossing his own arms.

      "There is no one else challenging ya so who else." Ethan took the opportunity to push Jack to the ground and run towards his horse to prepare to race Jack. Jack fixed his hat and stood up.

     "That was illegal you cheater!" Jack yelled scrambling to his feet as he raced after the brown haired boy. The girls laughed at the boys as Mark shook his head chuckling at them before he turned to the two girls who were with him. Amy wore her yellow dress she had always worn and gave the girls a smile.

     "Those boys, sometimes I dom't know what to do with them. We have our moments of hate towards one another, well let me rephrase that. Ethan has these moments where he hates Jack's guts like he does with everyone else but with Jack he just gets mad at him for tryin' to help him choose right. He has quite a temper but keeps us all lively around here and not dull and dead inside." Amy gave Mark a smile before looking to (Y/n).

     "He is tryin' I can tell. He maybe different but I can see his old self through the one coverin' it. He is still the same just lost inside. Jack's words seem to have helped him to an extent because when he came out of his old house back when the incident happen, he had a completely blank and just stone cold look that was honestly terrifyin'. It seems like he has improved on that since then, when I get the chance I want to tell Jack thank you for keeping him smiling after all of this," (Y/n) said as Mark nodded agreeing with her words.

     "The first time I met him he had the most stone looking expression I have ever seen. You are right he has done a lot to keep him smilin' because if Jack hadn't had pushed hope back in his head he would still be the same way as we found him." (Y/n) looked to her sister and gave her a tight hug.

     "Well I am goin' to go talk to the other boys bye sis."

     "Bye sis, be careful out there," Amy replied with as she let her sister go. (Y/n) walked to the other boys leaving Mark and Amy alone together.

     "Want to go on a walk maybe? It's okay if you have to g-" Amy cut Mark off by speaking.

     "I'd love to Mark, you didn't even have to ask." Mark smiled and took hold of her hand as they walked off into the woods where they could talk in private.

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