Chapter 1: Punishment for Treason

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     Monday, October 11, 1897

     "When you lose everythin' you love to the darkness..."

     The sound of feet running along the dirt path, a smoke of dust flew up. He had done it this time and he was going to pay for it, he knew the consequences he would have to face. The sound of horses, three horses at that. They were getting closer and so was the canyon walls up ahead. He turned back to see three old friends charging after him on horseback, he could see their angered faces illuminating the area with a all knowing aurora, he smacked into the side of the canyon with a loud thud.

     "You only want revenge..."

     He regained his balance and whipped around to the horses that had slowed down closing him in. His heart rate accelerated in fear of what they would do to him.

     "You just had to call the Marshall's didn't you?" A black haired man said with a glare that could burn right through your mind like the sun in the apocalypse. He appeared to be the leader.

   "I am sorry! I didn't mean to! Mark! You have to believe me!" The boy begged for his once friends forgiveness looking between all three boys.

     "Should have thought of that before betrayin' us Felix!" One other boy growled from the right of Felix.

     "Tyler, enough!" The black haired male from before growled at his friend and gave him a look before glancing at the quiet dark chocolate brown haired boy who was eyeing Felix with a flash of rage and disappointment in his eyes. "End this piece of shit Ethan, he doesn't deserve to live for what he has done... because of him we lost everything."

"With pleasure," Ethan puts his reins on the horn of his horses saddle before dismounting, allowing his boots to hit the dusty ground. He pulled out his pistol, filling the bottom of the handle with the bullets, he made sure the bullets were in place as he put the gun to Felix's temple. Felix was now on his knees with tears in his eyes whispering pleading words to his once friend for mercy, any kind of mercy. But he knew Ethan all too well that he would never give mercy no matter how much they begged, he knew that Mark told him to do it just to get it over with and not to make him suffer a horrible death like others have faced.

     "And, will do anythin' to have it..."

     In seconds the gun let out a loud bang making the bullet rush out of the barrel impaling Felix's skull forcing him backwards into the dusty surface with a thud. Ethan lowered his gun pointing into the ground with a blank expression on his broken features, he turned to his friends and went back to his horse pulling himself up onto the saddle. His friends didn't waste time in just staring and began to gallop away into the setting sun over the darkening hill. Ethan sighed and looked to the lifeless body a few feet from his horses hooves. Ethan glanced to where his friends had rode off to see they were no longer there. Ethan took his right hand from the reins looking at the bandaged palm that still had blood soaking through, dirt had made the bandage look even worse than it already looked. Ethan could hear the screams running through his mind like a tornado of words spinning all around from the faithful night he had lost everything, his family and his dignity. He remembered the feeling of pain in his hand from the bullet that pierced through his hand. He shook the thought away and turned the reins with a light kick to the horses side, the horse spun towards the direction galloping after the others to catch up.

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