Chapter 23

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I woke up with Madelaine sleeping in my arms. I look at the time and see it's almost eight. Last night I called to make an appointment for Madelaine to see a counselor. They set her an appointment for later today. I crawl out of Madelaine's grip and get out of bed. I go to the kitchen to make us breakfast.

   I finish making the breakfast and set it on a tray. I eat mine quickly and take Madelaine hers. She's still sound asleep, so I wake her up. "Babe," I whisper shaking her gently. She groans and turns around to face me. "Sit up, I made you breakfast." I smile. She yawns and sits against the headboard. I set the tray into her lap. "I'll be right back. Let me go get your antibiotics." I say leaving to the kitchen. I pour the last of it into a tiny cup and take it to her. "You won't need to take anymore after today." I say giving her the medicine. She nods and takes it quickly. She cringes at the taste and then drinks her juice. "Thank you for the food." Madelaine smiles. "No problem." I say sitting next to her.

   She finishes her food quickly and sets the tray aside. She cuddles into my side and rests her head on my chest. I play with the ends of her hair. "How are you feeling?" I ask. "Scared." She says. "Why?" I ask. "What if they're mean? What if they don't like me?" Madelaine asks. "Then you don't have to see them again. You can take your phone and call me if they're mean. We can find you someone different." I reassure. She nods. "Do you want to sleep a bit before you have to leave?" I ask. She nods and cuddles closer to my chest.

I sit on my phone while Madelaine rests. I scroll through Instagram looking at nothing and everything. I hear Madelaine groan, so I assume she is waking up. Instead she stays asleep. I ignore it and continue to be on my phone. Madelaine starts whimpering quietly. I feel a tug at my shirt. I look down and see Madelaine holding onto the hem of it tightly. She balls up her fists so aggressively that her knuckles begin to turn red. Her whimpering becomes louder. I shake her lightly trying to get her up. She just whimpers even louder. I sit up with Madelaine in my lap, and I rub her back softly. "Mads," I whisper. She stays asleep. "Madelaine." I say a little louder. She shakes her head quickly against my chest. "Mads, get up." I say shaking her harder than before.

"Nessa." She whimpers. "I'm here." I say. "You're so far away." Madelaine says into my chest. "I'm right here, babe." I say. She shakes her head. She moves her face to put her cheek against mine, and wraps her arms around my neck. She whimpers once she feels my hair between the back of my neck and her arms. She moves my hair and puts her arms against my neck tightly. She tries to scoot her body closer to mine, and whimpers once she can't scoot forward anymore. She wraps her legs around my stomach. "Babe, what are you doing?" I ask. "Closer." She mumbles. "Mads, I don't think you could be any closer." I laugh. She shakes her head and holds me tighter. She groans frustrated. She moves her hands to the bottom of my shirt and starts lifting it. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Off." She pouts. Before I could argue she lifts my shirt over my head and tosses it to the side. She then takes hers off and cuddles into me.

   She starts to tug at my sports bra. "Mads," I say. She tries to pull off my bra but I stop her. "Madelaine." I say. She looks at me with teary eyes. "Please." She begs. I debate wether I should let her take it off or not. She's probably just scared. She probably needs skin to skin contact. She tugs at it again. I sigh and nod, so she takes it off. She takes hers off and cuddles into me. She sighs and puts her face in the crook of my neck. "Are you okay, Mads?" I ask wrapping my arms around her. She nods. "Good." I say.

   After a few minutes of us laying in silence. I feel her breathing become even. I decide to sleep as well to pass time. I set an alarm for an hour before her appointment. I set my phone on the nightstand and fall asleep.

   I wake up to the alarm and shut it off quickly annoyed by it. I look to Madelaine and see her rubbing her eyes. "You need to get ready." I say. She pouts. "Do I have to go?" She asks. "Yes, please. Just try it." I plead. She nods. "Okay." She says.

   She gets off of me and walks to her closet. I get out of bed to put my bra, and shirt back on. Madelaine comes up to me with a yellow shirt on, and light blue pants. "You look beautiful." I say. "Thank you. You do too." She smiles. She wraps her arms around my neck. "Let me go make you lunch while you finish getting ready." I say. She nods and pecks my lips. I leave to the kitchen while she goes to the restroom.

Behind The Scenes Of Choni: A Madnessa Story [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now