Chapter 41

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          [VANESSA'S POV]
   Madelaine comes back with an excited Camila behind her. I roll my eyes annoyed. She couldn't have picked a worse time. I groan falling on my back. I will admit that the thought of Camila watching us excited me, but I want our first time to be private. "Lighten up, buttercup." Camila smiles.

   "This is our anniversary Camila. You seriously couldn't just wait?" I ask. "Nope." She responds looking around. I roll my eyes, once more. "Fine, look around. Then leave us alone. We want to spend our anniversary alone." I say annoyed.

   I love Cami, I really do, but I just want time alone with Madelaine. I want to have our special moments alone. Not with a spectator watching our every move. It takes the enjoyment out of it.

   Camila claps her hands excitedly walking to look at the many pictures floating around. Madelaine lays next to me, might I add, very closely. "We can finish what we started when she leaves." Madelaine whispers into my ear.

   I nod with a small smile. "You okay, babe?" Madelaine asks. I shrug my shoulders not knowing how to answer. "Did I do something to make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry. I should have been more gentle. I'm sorry for being so rough. I," Madelaine rambles. "Baby, no it's not that." I say cutting her off. She frowns confused.

   "What's wrong then?" She asks. "I just," I look down to my lap feeling guilty. "Would I sound like a terrible person if I said I wish we were normal?" I ask. Madelaine grabs my hands gaining my attention. "What do you mean normal?" She asks.

   "I-I just wi-ish we had more priv-vacy." I stutter. "I wish we could go out on dates without paparazzi following our every move. Without stupid articles controlling our lives. Without the wh-whole world on our asses. Without being judged by e-every word and every a-action that we do. Is it so bad to want to be normal? If I were to say I want to be normal everybody would y-yell saying I'm not grateful, b-but I am. I'm s-so grateful, but this career takes away a little bit of our humanity day by day." I say tears rolling down my face, as my throat tightens at each word.

   "Babe," Madelaine says pulling me into her chest. "Sh, I'm here." She soothes, stroking my hair softly. I cry into her chest, shutting my eyes tightly. "I'm ungrateful. I'm ungrateful. I-I'm un-grate-grateful." I choke. "Don't say that." Madelaine says sitting me up. "I know you're grateful. You know you're grateful. This career molded your life from start to present." She says. "What are you most grateful for? What have you got from this career?" She asks.

   "I got my fans. The people that support me through thick, and thin. The people that believe in me." I say sniffling at the end. "They mean a lot to you, don't they?" Madelaine asks. "They mean so much. They're like my little family. I try so hard not to disappoint them. I love them, I wouldn't want to disappoint them. They don't deserve that." I say. Madelaine nods with a smile.

   "What else have you gotten?" She asks. "My friends. I've gotten my friends. I've met most of my friends through acting." I say. "They're like their own group of fans. They believe in you when you don't believe in yourself. They hype you up, and sometimes you fight. Sometimes you want to give up, but they never let you." I say.

   "See, don't those things make up for the bad that you may go through?" Madelaine asks. I nod with a small smile. "I'm grateful for something else, though." I say. "What, babe?" She asks.

   "You." I say. Madelaine smiles looking down shyly. "If I never became an actress I would have never met the love of my life. We met at auditions." I smile. "This career led me to the best thing that has ever happened to me. It may be rough sometimes, but at the end of the day you're always here for me. You're always there for me. You comfort me when I'm having a bad day, you hold me until I fall asleep. When I cry, you do everything you can to make me smile. When I feel most broken, you're there to put the pieces back together. I don't think I would be able to get through the day without you." I say.

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