Chapter 1

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   We just finished shooting mine and Madelaine's scene at Pop's. I continued to sit in my seat I was sitting in at Pop's while Madelaine left to get her makeup fixed since she was crying in the scene.

   I was finishing my milkshake while trying to escape some of my thoughts. "Boo!" Casey yelled from behind me. Which quickly brought me out of my thoughts while also scaring the shit out of me. "What the hell?!" I ask him, as he sits in the seat Madelaine was sitting in not too long ago.

   "Chill. Just figured since you were in your own little world I would take my opportunity to scare you. Also, if I may add; it worked." He said smiling. "Okay whatever. What do you want?" I ask staring at my half drank milkshake.

   "What's on your mind?" Casey asks ignoring my question. "Okay. I'm going to ask this again. What. Do. You. Want?" I ask turning to look at him while getting close to losing my patience.

   I am not in the mood for talking. I just want to think while being alone. I wasn't the happiest at the moment. Casey definitely isn't helping by asking a question I was planning on ignoring.

   "Something is wrong." He says ignoring my last statement. "How would you know?" I ask defensively. "Well you're sitting here alone drinking your milkshake and being very silent. You aren't even on your phone. If nothing was wrong you would be with Madelaine right now while she is getting her makeup fixed." Casey replies looking me straight in the eyes. I ignore him, looking back at my milkshake, and playing with the straw.

   "Come on,"He says grabbing my shoulder. "You know you can tell me." He says giving me a sympathetic look. I finally give in and look at him. "Did you watch us shoot the scene?" He nods so I continue, "Did you think about how she cried? How raw it was?" I ask, he looks at me confused.

   "No, why?" He asks. "It just seemed so real...." I say quietly. "It's acting. Of course it looked real." He laughed. "No there was something different about it. I know my best friend. Ow!" I exclaim. "What?! Are you okay?" Casey asks worriedly. "Yeah. Just a really bad chest pain." I say holding my chest. "It's probably just heart burn or something." I add.

   After a while I compose myself from what happened. "As I was saying. I know Madelaine. That wasn't just acting. She was truly hurt from something. I could tell she was hurting. I saw it in her eyes." I say confident in my observation.

   "Why don't you just ask her about it?" Casey asks in duh tone. "We've been best friends for years now." There goes that pain in my chest again. I should really get this checked out. I ignore it and continue speaking, "Do you not think she would have told me this by now if something did happen?" I ask.

   He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm just saying. If it bothers you so much you would at least ask her." I look at my hands that were playing with the end of my jacket sleeve.

   I didn't like the thought of anything bad happening to Madelaine. What if something did happen to her? Just the thought of Madelaine being hurt upsets me.

   "I don't want to talk about this anymore." I reply not looking at him. "That's okay. I'll leave you alone." Casey says rubbing my shoulder comfortingly.

   He gets up and walks to the dressing rooms. I look at my shake to see it's warm, and gross now. I give it to the cleaning crew, and go to my dressing room.

   I was sitting in my dressing room on Instagram. I had just got my makeup fixed and decided to stay in my dressing room for now. I was startled by a sudden knock on my door, "Come in!" I slightly yell.

   Casey opens the door and gives me a small smile. "Hey, Casey!" I say nicely. He closes the door and asks, "Can I talk to you?" I nod and he sits on my couch, as I was sitting in my chair in-front of my mirror.

   Once I give him my full attention he starts talking, "I just wanted to tell you that Vanessa is worried about you." Casey says. "Why?" I ask confused. "She's her business to tell you. Not mine. Sorry." He apologizes. "Don't be. I will try to talk to her later. Thank you for telling me." I say sweetly. He gives a small smile and gets up to leave.

   I was at home and Vanessa came to sleep over. We were drinking tea in front of the fire since it was really cold. I remembered what Casey had told me earlier today and decided to bring it into the conversation.

   "Nessa?" I ask. Which stops her mid-sentence. I didn't notice she was talking. "Yeah?" She asks curiously. She looks so cute. She was curled up in a blanket with a gigantic mug making her look tiny.

   "Casey told me you were worried about me. Can we talk about that?" I ask her. She looks away from me and at her tea, "Yeah, I guess." She mumbles. "Why were you worried?" I ask adjusting the way I am sitting on the floor. "I didn't like seeing you cry...." Vanessa says so quietly I could barely hear what she said.

   "It was just acting." I say trying to comfort her. She laughed, "I can see through your lies just as much as Toni can see through Cheryl's." I nodded remembering I can't lie to her like I can lie to everyone else. She continued, "What happened?" I look to the fire and let out a long sigh debating wether or not I should tell her. You shouldn't tell anybody. It's our secret. Nobody should know.

   "It doesn't matter." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Madelaine." Vanessa says in a serious tone. I look at her with teary eyes, "Please don't make me tell you." I say just above a whisper as a tear rolls down my cheek. She looks at me with a hurt expression. "I would never make you tell me something you aren't comfortable with sharing Mads." She says.

   She puts her tea on the floor and untangles from the blanket. She crawls over to me and sits in front of me. She puts her hand on my thigh and I flinch. Vanessa quickly removes her hand. "I won't hurt you Madelaine." She says.

   "I know. I was just scared." I reply giving her the best fake smile I could plaster on my face. "I do not want your fake smile Mads." She says wiping my tears. I slightly flinch again at the touch but slowly lean into her hands finding comfort.

   "I want a real one. The one that radiates beauty. The smile that can light up my whole day. The one that shows me you are okay." Vanessa says giving me a loving smile. I smile at her description of my smile.

   "That's a real one." She says slowly. I sniffle and she wraps her arms around me. "I love you Madelaine." She says after moments of silence. "I love you too, Vanessa."

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