Chapter 43

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   I stir awake in bed and stretch my arm to grab onto Madelaine only to be met with bed sheets. I squint my eyes open and rub away the fogginess of my vision. Sitting up in bed I look around only finding Yoshi at the edge of the bed. "Baby?" I call in my hoarse morning voice. "In here!" Madelaine replies. I get out of the bed and stretch before going to the bathroom.

   Madelaine in her pajamas with her toothbrush in her mouth as it drips with toothpaste. I smile walking up to her. I put the back of my hand on her forehead to check the temperature. Still warm. "How are you feeling?" I ask. She shrugs continuing to brush her teeth. She spits it out into the sink and cleans her face. "Eh, okay, but not okay." She mumbles.

   "We should go get you some medicine. Then, we can stay in again." I say. Madelaine pouts rinsing off her toothbrush. "I don't wanna stay in." She says. "Why not?" I ask. She sets her toothbrush down and shrugs her shoulders. "I just don't. I wanna go look around and have fun." Madelaine says. "But, what if you get sick again?" I ask.

   Madelaine ignores me and hops off of the counter. She leaves the bathroom, so I turn to follow after her. "Mads, baby." I say. She doesn't answer and instead goes to look through her suitcase. "Babe, c'mon. Let's just talk about it." I say. Madelaine looks through her suitcase and picks out the clothes she wants. Setting them on the bed she looks in my direction.

   "There's nothing to talk about." She smiles. "What are you talking about?" I ask. Madelaine just smiles as she starts to get dressed. "Well, either you come with me to look around, or I go by myself." Madelaine says. I roll my eyes sitting on the bed next to where her clothes are. "Really, Madelaine?" I ask. She nods with a small smile. "So, are you coming with me, babygirl?" She asks.

   "Mads, I don't want you to make yourself feel worse." I say. No answer. "If you still feel bad you should rest, so that you can get better." I try to reason. Still no answer. "Can you just listen to me?" I ask annoyed. When she doesn't answer, or even look my way I let out a huff. I stand up off of the bed and grab her shirt out of her hand. I throw it across the room angrily.

   "For God's sake, Madelaine! Just listen to me!" I shout. Madelaine's features soften and I can see the hurt in her eyes. I let out a sigh grabbing her hands. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to shout." I apologize. I pull her to the bed and we both sit on top of it. Her skin still didn't look like herself and her eyes still have light blue bags under them. "I just don't want you running around when you're sick." I say. Madelaine nods looking down to her lap.

   "I'm not trying to fight, or make you upset. I just want you to be healthy and I don't want you to be sick." I say. She continues to look down to her lap. "I know that shouting and losing my temper was wrong of me and I'm sorry." I apologize. "I just don't like to see you sick. It takes the brightness out of your eyes and the beautiful tone out of your skin." I explain.

   "The quicker you get to feeling better then the faster we can do everything we were planning on doing." I say. Madelaine nods and looks up at me. She gives me a small smile before pecking my nose gently. "You're right. I'm sorry. I should have listened to you, but I was just being selfish about what I wanted and not what I needed." Madelaine says.

   "Thank you for taking care of me. I know I'm a brat when I'm sick, but you don't give up on trying to take care of me. I really appreciate how much you care for me." Madelaine appreciates. "It just makes me upset when you yell at me like that." She mutters. I nod kissing her forehead gently. "I know and I'm sorry. It just made me angry and brought up some old relationship problems. I guess I was just getting scared." I explain. Madelaine looks over my features before looking down to our hands.

"What relationship problems?" She asks. I shake my head with a small smile. "I don't wanna talk about that right now. I want to be here with you because you aren't them and I love you. Overreacting was stupid of me." I say quietly. Madelaine pouts squeezing my hands comfortingly. "You weren't overreacting if my inconsiderateness brought up bad memories." She tells me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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