Chapter 19

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I was currently walking with Camila while Lili and Madelaine walked a few feet in front of us. Camila was babbling on about something but I wasn't listening. I was too focused on Madelaine. Sure she looked happy right now but earlier she was a mess. She's hurting. She has good moments and she has bad moments. It's just rarely she has those good moments. I remember when we used to hang out without a care in the world. We were both so happy with something as simple as a conversation. Now it's so frequent that she breaks down in the middle of a conversation. I miss seeing her happy. I miss hearing her laugh. I miss seeing her smile always plastered on her face. I miss when we could joke about anything and find humor in anything. I'm afraid she might hurt herself again. I know she promised she wouldn't, and I know she keeps her promises but this isn't something that could never happen again. That voice that she has will tell her to do it again if it hasn't already. I just hope she believes she's stronger than what that voice tries persuading her. I can't protect her from herself. I can try my best but at the end of the day nothing changes. I get brought out of my thoughts when I see Camila snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Yes?" I ask confused. "You just blacked out for like five minutes. You okay?" She asks concerned. "Uh yeah. Just thinking is all." I shrug. "What about?" She asks curiously. "Madelaine." I say looking to Madelaine. We are now in a store so she is looking at some things with Lili. She looks at me and gives me a small smile. I smile back then she goes back to talking to Lili. "What do you think about counselors?" I ask suddenly. Camila looks at me confused. "Uh I don't know much about them, why?" She asks. "I might get Mads to try and see one." I think aloud. "I think it would help her." I say. "That's a good idea. Just don't force the idea on her. Counselors are kind of overwhelming for some people." Camila says. That is true. I mean who's completely comfortable with going to see a stranger and just saying everything about yourself. Even things you have probably never told anyone. I don't know if I should even bring up the topic. What if she freaks out? That voice may make her believe something about me that isn't true. It could make her believe that I think she's crazy by just sending her to get help. I don't think she's crazy. I know she isn't crazy. She's just damaged. She's been through a lot. I can't just cure her overnight. Believe me I would if I could. I open my mouth to speak to Camila but before I can say anything Madelaine comes up to me quickly. "What's up, babe?" I ask. She smiles at me, "Looky!" She says excitedly. I look at what she is holding and it's a pair of earrings. "They're beautiful. Do you want them?" I ask taking them from her. She nods happily. "Okay." I laugh. I hand the earrings back to her and grab my wallet and take out my card. "Here you go." I say handing her my card. "Pin?" She asks. "0818." I reply. She smiles and leaves to meet Lili in the line. "That number sounds familiar." Camila thinks aloud. "It's Mads birthday." I laugh. "Why am I not surprised?" She says rolling her eyes while laughing lightly. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. "Oh nothing." Camila laughs. I roll my eyes at her. "Come on." She says walking away. I walk after her and see that we are still following Mads and Lili. "So what were you going to say earlier?" Camila asks. "When?" I ask confused. "Before Madelaine came to show you those earrings." She states. I huff trying to think about what I was thinking earlier. "Oh! I was just going to say that I love Madelaine. I really do and she deserves the world. I really want her to go to a counselor. I just don't know how to ask her. What if she freaks out?" I ask. "She might. Which is why you shouldn't pressure her." Camila says sternly. "If she doesn't want to now then give her time. I don't think she has considered a counselor for herself. Maybe if you ask her she will realize either now, or later that a counselor could really help her. If she really cares for herself then she will give it a shot." Camila says. "I just want her happy. She deserves to be happy, you know?" I ask. I see her look up. My eyes follow to where hers lead and they land on Lili. "I know." She sighs with a small smile. "You really love her don't you?" I ask. "So much. I really hope she loves me back." Camila says hopefully. "Even if she doesn't I hope she is happy with Cole. I hope that he will treat her great. She deserves to be treated greatly." Camila says. "I'm so glad she loves me." I say. "She loves you. I know she does. She will come around." I tell Camila. She nods. "I hope so." She says.
It's been about two hours of Lili and Madelaine shopping while Cami and I talk and just look. We haven't found anything yet. Which is very surprising because I always go shopping. Camila comes up to me, "Come here!" She says excitedly. "What?" I ask confused while also following her. She shows me a shelf with sunglasses on it. Except the sunglasses are Madelaine's. "Oh my gosh. That's so cool!" I exclaim. "I know right!" Camila says. "We should get some." She suggest. "I want the rogue ones!" I say quickly. "Fine. I wanted the mister anyways." Camila says grabbing a pair of sunglasses. I laugh and get a pair as well. We both go find Madelaine and Lili and see them in line already, so we join them. "Baby, what are you doing?" Madelaine asks. "Buying some sunglasses." I say nonchalantly. "You finally found something?" She giggles. "Yep." I say popping the p. Camila nods with a big smile. We get to the register so Camila and I set the sunglasses on the counter. "Babe," Madelaine says. "Yeah?" I hum. "Why are you buying my sunglasses?" She asks. "I want to support you. Plus look how cute they are!" I say excitedly. "Thank you baby but I could just give you a pair. You don't have to buy them." Madelaine says. "I want to though." I pout. "Ugh, fine." She sighs. She hands the cashier my card. "Ma'am your card has been declined." The cashier says. "What? There was like three thousand dollars on it!" I say. "Maybe it's because you have been shopping for two hours straight, and have probably spent at least a thousand dollars." Camila states. "Let me call my bank to activate it again." I huff. We all step out of the way while I make the call. I get my phone out of my pocket and see a lot of text messages from my bank. Two hundred. Fifty. Seventy-eight. One hundred. Three hundred. Four hundred. Sixty-two. Oh wow. She went all out. Then again I did tell her to get anything she sees. I call my bank, "My card has been deactivated. My girlfriend is shopping right now, so if you could activate it again, please?" I ask. "Okay, it should be activated again in about fifteen minutes. Have a nice day." The lady on the phone says before hanging up. "They said fifteen minutes." I say. I put my phone away. "I can pay this time." Camila says. "You don't have to. I can pay." Lili interjects. "It's fine." Camila says. We go back to the register and check out. As we are walking out of the store I look to Madelaine, and I also see that she is holding about eight huge bags. "Babe, let me get those for you." I say quickly. I hadn't even noticed how much she has bought. "I'm sorry. Why didn't you hand these to me?" I ask. "I didn't want to make you hold everything. You already bought it all for me. I didn't want to sound or look rude and spoiled." Madelaine says sadly. "It's okay, Mads." I say. "Are you sure? You don't have to carry them. I can carry them. It is my stuff after all. You shouldn't have to carry my stuff for me." Madelaine rambles. She tries to take her bags but I refuse to let her. "Today is about you. Actually no, scratch that. Everyday is about you. You are spoiled. I will always spoil you because you deserve it. Except you are not rude. I will always be here to hold your bags. I will always be here for you to have a shoulder to cry on. I will always be here to buy you anything you want. I will just always be here period. No matter the situation. No matter the reason. I'm here, so I am going to hold your bags for you while you spend my money. Because I love seeing you smile." I say. "I don't deserve you." Madelaine says. "You deserve better. I should be the one saying that. Not you. You deserve the world." I say. "You may think I deserve better but I don't honestly think I could have anyone better than you. I love you so much." Madelaine smiles. It honestly shocks me that Madelaine Petsch loves me. She's in love with me. I don't understand how or why. I don't think I ever will. "I really want to kiss you." Madelaine says. "You always can." I say leaning in. "But people." She says. She looks around quickly scanning the room. "It's just us, Cami, and Lili." I say. She bites her lip nervously. "If you don't want to you don't have to. We can wait until we get home." I reassure. "Home?" She asks. I look at her confused but she just giggles. "What?" I ask. "Nothing." She smiles. Before I could say anything else Madelaine speaks up, "I'm done shopping. We should totally go to my place and watch movies together. All of us." Madelaine smiles. "That sounds nice. Right, Cami?" Lili asks. "Sounds great." She smiles. We leave the store and walk through the mall to leave. Madelaine and Lili are walking in front of me and Camila like they have been all day. I see Lili carrying 5 big bags while Madelaine has none. "Go get your girls bags." I say to Camila. "What?" She asks confused. I bring my hands up to show her all of Madelaine's bags. "Oh!" She says before walking to Lili quickly. "A queen shouldn't carry her own bags." Camila smirks. I palm my face. "Oh my god." I say under my breath. Lili laughs while Camila takes her shopping bags. At least it worked. I sigh aloud while Camila comes up to me with the bags. "Nailed it." She says.

Just a fun cute chapter I guess. Hope you guys like it. Sorry if it sucks. Sorry if updating has been slow. My needy friends have been over a lot. My family has been pretty busy too. Sorry. I tried my best to make this chapter enjoyable.


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