Chapter 35

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   "Where are we going, baby?" Madelaine asks. We had just left the house after I had put foundation on my neck. We also dropped off Yoshi, so he could sleep. "To get ice cream." I respond. "Baby, we're vegan." Madelaine pouts. "I found this place that has really good vegan ice cream. They have regular ice cream too, so Camila won't have a fit." I explain.

   I pull into the parking lot. It was on the main road with a lot of other stores. The building did look cute though. Madelaine, and I get out of the car. We walk into the ice cream shop and see Camila, and Lili waiting for us patiently.

   "Sorry guys. We had to run home real quick." I apologize. "Oh, I see you covered your hickeys." Camila says pointing to my neck. Lili hits Camila's arm. "Stop that." Lili says sternly.

   "Good work, Mads!" Camila congratulates. She raises her hand for a high five, which Madelaine happily reciprocates. I roll my eyes walking to the line. Lili does the same following closely behind me. Camila, and Madelaine follow us giggling.

   "I was just messing around, babe. I'm sorry." Camila apologizes kissing Lili's lips. Madelaine looks down sadly, and fiddles with her ring. "Are you okay, babe?" I ask. Madelaine looks up, and smiles a fake smile at me. "Yeah." She says. I look down at her hands to see her still messing with her ring.

   I frown at her, and take her hands in mine. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing, I'm fine." Madelaine excuses shaking her head. "Baby, I know you aren't fine." I say. She looks down at our hands, and laughs quietly. "I just," Madelaine starts.

She looks at me, and sighs. "I want to be able to do that," Madelaine says motioning towards Camila, and Lili who were ordering in line. "In public. With you." She says. I give her a sad smile.

"I know, me too. Just three more days, yeah? Then we can do that whenever, and wherever we want." I say. She nods as a tear falls down her cheek. "Yeah, three more days." Madelaine smiles. I place my hand on her cheek wiping her tear away with my thumb. She turns her head slightly, and kisses my palm.

"Everything okay, now?" I ask. Madelaine nods with a smile. A real smile. A real beautiful smile. "Great. Want to get ice cream now?" I ask. "Yeah." Madelaine says happily. I take my hand away from her cheek, and interlace our fingers.

We go to the counter ready to order. "How may I help you?" A lady asks. Madelaine, and I order the flavor of ice cream we want. I pay for our ice cream while Madelaine retrieves it from a man about her age. I also notice the not to subtle wink he gives her. I clench my jaw becoming angry.

The lady gives me my receipt with a smile. I force a smile onto my face. I mutter a thank you before going to sit at the table Camila, and Lili are sitting at. Madelaine sits next to me, and gives me my ice cream.

I watch the dude intently while Madelaine talks to Camila. I watch as he looks over here frequently, staring at Madelaine. I start getting angrier by the second. I try to ignore it by eating my ice cream.

Why can't a dude just leave her alone. Stop fucking undressing her with your eyes. I get that she's attractive but I don't get why every guy has to stare at her like that. They automatically go by her looks. They keep staring at her, and it makes me want to beat the living shit out of them.

I get taken out of my thoughts by a deep voice. I look over, and see him standing beside our table. "Hello, ladies." He greets. "Hi." Madelaine says sweetly. She's so oblivious that he hasn't stopped staring at her since she's walked in.

Lili looks at me questioningly but I shake my head. I start to clench my jaw even harder that my teeth start to hurt. "I'm Eli, and you are?" He asks looking to Madelaine. "Madelaine." She smiles. "What a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl." He smirks. I begin to get so angry that I feel heat rise up to my neck.

Behind The Scenes Of Choni: A Madnessa Story [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now