CH 1: I hate mondays

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Aug 14th 2038.

6 Am.

I have a headache, I have not slept, my insomnia is worse than before, sometimes I can not sleep for two days, and these damn pills are useless except to put me in an almost vegetative state.
I get up from the couch and drag myself to the bathroom, I look in the mirror, see if I'm operational or not for the day.

-"Oh fuck, it scares me to see my face. I look like shit."Saying with my broken voice.

I put some water on my face. My eyes are really scary. "I look like a fucking zombie."

I take a shower and go to the kitchen. I'm not hungry this morning, I'll eat something at work, well, if I can get there already.

8 AM.

The beautiful tower of Cyberlife, the place where I work obviously.

For short, my job is to make sure that the androids that we send on the ground adapts perfectly to their environment and if they do a good job, of course, they can report via their programs, but Cyberlife puts a certain importance to obtain a human point of view. I worked on a lot of androids, in five years, I worked on more than a dozen models. And I also have to report to Cyberlife.

And I'm pretty proud of it.


-"Huh?" I turn around to see one of my colleagues who is signaling me to come closer.

-"Are you aware that you are going to have to take care of the latest model ?

-"Are you kidding? I did not even know it." I said sarcastically. "Of course I know, you fool !"

 -" Hey, calm down, I did not say anything bad."

-"I know, it's only I hate Mondays."

-"It's mostly in parts because of your insomnia too." He said with a mocking tone.

I give him a cold look, so cold that it takes away his silly smile.

-"I think I'll go then, see you later Amal." He says going to the administrative offices.

-"Yeah that's it, see you later." As I walked to the elevator "Asshole."

I enter the elevator, I have to go to assembly level.

-*Please indicate your identity and destination*

-" Amal Myers, level -23".

-*Voice recognition validated*

I get out of the elevator and go to my assembly station, there is not much work in fact, I take my tablet to learn more about the new android model that I will have to monitor.

Prototype RK800 Connor model, Android detective, equipped with the best technology of Cyberlife, able to analyze the evidence of crime scenes in real time, combat ability , handling weapons, Adapting within a group, suspect interrogation ... Blah, blah, blah, blah....

I yawned, it looks so interesting. I feel like I'm going to get bored with this one.


I hope you like this first chapter as much as me, sorry if I made some spelling mistakes, English is not my native language, do not hesitate to leave me comments it's always a pleasure, and see you tomorrow for the next chapter;);)

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