CH 16: With you /SMUT/

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PM 07:31

Amal's POV

I'm cold... The little swim after we jumped from Jericho did not make me feel good. I had the impression that my body was burning. I look at my hands, only my right hand shakes.

In fact, my whole body is still shaking except my left arm. I see that the white skin is still there. And I have nothing to repair my arm, all my material is staying in Jericho. I can not even help the wounded androids.

Looking up, I see Connor sitting alone in a corner.I decide to go see him.When I get up from the bench, the pains in my ribs come back.


I put my hand on my ribs, and start walking towards Connor.He raises his head towards me.I give him a little smile.He is looking away from me.

 -"What's happening?" I asked him.

-" It's my fault...."

 I approach him a little more.

- "If I had not been there ... it would never have happened ...."

 - "Connor, you-"

- "If I had not been there, you would not have been in danger!"He gets up and walks away from me.He blames himself.

 - "Connor ..." I hold him by the arm.

He turns around and looks at me.

- "If you had not been there, I'll be dead."

- "Amal ..."

- "It's not your fault, Connor, do not blame yourself for what has just happened, the past is behind us, we need to focus on the future now."I still hold his arm, to prevent him from leaving .... Or to stop myself from shaking.

There is a moment of silence between us.

 - "Why did you kiss me?" he asks me.

- "Huh?"

 - "Why did you kiss me?"

I do not know what to say. His gaze is planted in mine.I feel my throat tighten.

 I take a breath, and tell him without thinking:

-" Because I love you."

 There is silence.

-"That is true?" he asks me.

- "Yes ... it must be a month that I keep my feelings for you ... I'm pathetic eh?"He smiles. He seems to be amused by my declaration.

I look away, too embarrassed by what I just said. Then I let out a little laugh. I look at him again and ask him:

-" How is it?"

- "What?"

- "To feel ... to have free will, emotions?" I smiled at him, curious to hear his answer.

-"It's confused..."

- "Yeah .... it's probably both very confusing and disturbing .... but it's also beautiful. You're getting used to it." I smile at him.

- "But you ... you answered my kiss, why?" I am at the same time curious and stressed at the answer he might give me.

He lowered his head to think.

- "I ... I thought it was nice ..."

- "Nice? How?"

- "It was ... warm, sweet ... I wanted to continue."

Detroit Become Human: Connor x OCWhere stories live. Discover now