CH 22: Something bad

447 7 0

1 week later


/Third's person POV/

Things have calmed down since the revolution. Amal no longer works for CyberLife, Connor lives with her and continues to work with Hank. Connor is at the police station, he is sitting at his desk and seems absent.

- "Are you okay, son?" Hank asks, sitting at his desk right next to him.

Connor turns his head quickly towards him.

- "Yes, Hank!"

-" Are you sure?"

Hank knows something is bothering Connor, he's frowning.

 - "Connor .... I know something's wrong ... It's about Amal?"

Connor turns his head to the terminal of his desk and let out a long sigh.

- "I'm worried about her ...." Connor looked at Hank again. "I think she's in danger ... CyberLife is probably going to try something to stop her. She became the human representative of androids, and CyberLife does not approve. "

-"Connor, you...."

-"If something were to happen to her, I will die! "

Hank is silent for a moment.

- "Connor, listen to me: Amal is not in danger, she left CyberLife, you both live together ... All that, the deviants, the revolution, it's over ... Now all you must do is live, live for you, for her, you worry too much about her, you must learn to let go. "

Connor thought for a moment. Hank probably right, he worries too much. Amal is quietly at home, probably sleeping, playing bass or watching a documentary about ancient Egypt.

He smiles at Hank.

- "Yes, you're probably right, I'm worried too much."

Meanwhile, at Amal's apartment.

Amal returns to her apartment after going to the doctor and buying new clothes for Connor.

Finally, she has no broken ribs, she just has two cracked ribs, and she has to take painkillers.

For her leg, the doctor said that the healing is going well and that she can remove the bandage in two weeks. She puts the clothes bags and medicines on the kitchen table and goes to the bathroom.

She hesitates between a shower, or a bath. She undresses and looks in the mirror, the skin of her left arm is still white and she has nothing to fix it. So she decides to deactivate the skin of her arm. Her entire left arm turns white, she never really took the time to look at her skinless arm.

* It's ... pretty, I think ... *

Finally she chooses to take a bath. After a few minutes, she enters the bath and closes her eyes.

She thinks.

She's thinking about Connor .... She knows he's worried about her. It's odd that CyberLife is not trying to get Connor back, or come looking for her.

She stays in the bath for a long time. Then she heard the front door slammed shut.

 - "Connor, it's you?"

No answer. Amal sits in the bath.

 - "Connor ?! ...."

She hears footsteps approached from the bathroom door. There was a shadow.

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