CH 17: Suicide mission

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Amal's POV

What are we going to do now? The revolution is approaching. Many androids are dead.

And I'm with him ... I have never felt that before.

I had sex with other men before, but none of them made me vibrate like him.

I love him so much.

I hear him moving next to me. I open my eyes and watch him get dressed.I stand up, but the pain of my ribs prevents me from straightening up.

 - "Wait, I'll help you." Connor tells me, holding my arm.

- "Thanks, Connor." I smiled at him.

I slowly stand up and put a hand on my ribs.Connor helps me get dressed, my movements are limited because of the pain ....

*Not just because of the pain ....*

I smile at this thought, I must admit that .... it was sporty.But my smile disappears quickly when the reality comes back.

 - "What's wrong, Amal?" I see Connor's worry in his eyes.

- "What are we going to do now? ... The revolution .... You and me ... what's going to happen?"Connor does not answer.

He gently takes me in his arms and kisses my forehead.

 - "We have to talk to Markus."

 - "Have an idea?" I ask.

-" Maybe."We leave the cellar, and we go to Markus.

- "Markus? Maybe I have an idea." Said Connor.He turns to us.

-"There are thousands of androids at the CyberLife assembly plant. If we could wake them up, they might join us and shift the balance of power..."

-"What?!" I said.

-" You wanna infiltrate the CyberLife Tower?" Ask Markus.

-"No, Connor! Iit's suicide! You will be killed!" I take him by the shoulders, completely panicked by what I just heard.

-"They trust me. They'll let me in. If anyone has a chance of infiltrating CyberLife, It's me."

-"If you go there, they will kill you." Said Markus.

-"There's a high probability..."Connor looks me in the eye.

-" But statistically speaking, there's always a chance for unlikely events to take place..."

There is silence.I do not know what to say.The words jostle in my head.Markus approaches Connor.

 - "Be careful ...." He said before moving away from us.

I'm looking at Connor.

 - "Do you leave me, is that it?"

- "No, Amal, as I say statist ..."

- "I don't care about your fucking statistics, you're going to get killed!" I'm mad. He sees it. I put my hand behind my neck.

 * There must be another way ... *

- "Connor .... If you go there, I'm coming with you."- "No way, it's too dangerous."

 - "Too dangerous?!  You know that you risk your life by going there! And ... and you need someone who can cover you in case of problems! CyberLife do not know that I help deviants so I ... "

- "Amal ..."He puts his hands on my shoulders.

 - "I always accomplish my mission."

- "Connor, I ..." He kisses me.

This kiss is passionate, I feel all the love he has for me. I respond to his kiss by wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist.I do not want to let him go. He ends our kiss, and puts his forehead against mine. I know he will go there.

 - "You stay here, Amal ..."

- "I do not like receiving orders, Connor ..."

 -" I know.... I know...."

He moves away from me, he leaves me ....what should I do?.....

 * No. I really do not like receiving orders .... Sorry, Connor. "


Chapter very short, sorry for that, it's just that I really focus on the rest of the story that is not ready to end.As usual, do not hesitate to leave a comment, if you have any ideas do not hesitate to tell me, and I wish you a good day or a good night !!!! See you!!!!

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