CH 31: Let's play /SMUT/

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3 days after the events.

/Amal's POV/

After the recent events, Elijah kept his word:

CyberLife had to face the facts that they were blamed on him. They lost all credibility in the eyes of the public.

Connor and I asked to keep our anonymity. We do not want to be followed by journalists every day. Things have returned to normal ... well almost.

My boss insisted that I take a vacation ...

 According to him, I need rest after what happened.

But I hate to stay at home doing nothing, I need to do things worked. Connor agrees with my boss, he prevents me from going to my office to work a little. So I'm bored, and I stay all day lying on the couch.

AM 11:29

I'm dressed in shorts and a tank top.There is nothing on TV, nothing in the newspapers, nothing anywhere ....I sigh.

I go to the garden, looking for something to take care of.


 * I guess I'm going to be bored today ... *

There is really nothing to do.I fall on the couch and turn on the TV.

I hear a door slammed.

 - "I'm home!"

- "Mh ... hi, Connor." I answered with a bored toneHe approaches the sofa.

- "Have you had a good morning?"

- "Well ... I'm bored, Connor, there's nothing to do ..."

- "Oh ... you can play bass ..."

-"Already done."

- "Watch a documentary about ancient Egypt?"


- "We can read books on ancient Egypt if you want?"

- "Connor, we've already read them all, you know as much as I do about Egypt now ..."


I turned my head towards him.His LED is yellow.

I think ... then:

 -"I have an idea!" I quickly get up to him.

- "What if we played a game?"

 -"A game?"

- "Yes, I want to play a game!"

 - "Uh ... okay, what game do you want to play?

- "Maybe ... truth or dare?"

 - "Truth or dare? What is it?"

- "You choose to either tell the truth to a question I'm asking you, or if you choose *dare*, you'll have to do whatever I want, and vice versa."

- "Okay, let's play."

 Connor sits on the couch next to me.

 - "It's me who got the idea, I start."


- "Connor, Truth or dare?"


- "Mmhh ... what do you think .... when ... we make love?" Connor had big eyes to my question, I laugh at his reaction, this is the first time I see him like that.

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