CH 2: Hostage

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Aug 15th

PM 8:29

I am in the apartment where there is a hostage, this android has completely cracked and threatened to jump into the void with a little girl, I have to wait for Connor, I have to watch him and see how he will manage this situation, and report to CyberLife . I always get the new cases at the same time as him on my tablet, but unlike him, I must be on the scene before him, I must not miss anything when he is on the scene.

I'm waiting Connor in front of the elevator, after few minutes the doors open.

-"Good evening agent Myers" He makes a slight smile.

-" Good evening Connor" I return his smile.

-"You have to go to Captain Allen, he'll tell you more about the situation."


At the same moment, a woman completely panicked and weeping went to us, begging us to save her child. She turned to Connor.

-"Please, save my little girl!" She stopped talking, in shock.

-"What? You send an android?" A swat man takes her by the arm and tells her to come with him.

-" can not do that! You must send a real person !!!"

I watch Connor for a second.

-"I'll be in the kitchen, go see the captain, he's in the parental suite. If you have questions, you can come and ask me."

-" Yes agent Myers."

I headed for the kitchen, preparing my tablet for my report on Connor, I see him headed to the parental suite, and I seem to hear Captain Allen, he seems exasperated by the presence of Connor, a lot of humans do not like the presence of android, as far as I'm concerned, I work with so much androids that I don't even know difference between them and us, maybe it's better like that.

I see him go to the child's room, then in the living room where two men were killed by the defective android. Analyzing the policeman's corpse, he found his gun under the table, I carefully observed all his gestures, androids are not allowed to have a weapon on them. I could have told him, but I was curious to see what he was going to do with it.

He left the gun under the table, and headed for the terrace, he seemed to be ready to discuss with the deviant.

As soon as he walks through the door, a shot is sounded in the apartment, reflexively I crouched in a scream of surprise, we can say that I did not expect it at all, I felt the adrenaline ran across my legs and arms, when I stood up, I saw blue blood on the curtain, Connor was shot.

I went to the window and pushed a curtain to see how things were going. I was worried about what could happen, the deviant is extremely unstable and Connor is shot, but ... why am I worried? He does not even feel the pain, and his wound is just a scratch ...

I have to focus, the adrenaline rush has been beneficial, and I feel ready to act in case of a problem. I see Connor walking towards a policeman on the ground, he seems to be still alive.

-"He's losing blood! if we don't get him to a hospital, he's going to die!"

-"All humans die eventually! What does it matter if this one dies now ?!"

-"I'm going to apply a tourniquet!"

The deviant shoot next to connor, my heart beats extremely fast.

-" Don't touch him! Touch him and I'll kill you !!"

-"You can't kill me. I'm not alive."

Connor straightened up and tried to reassure the deviant, I could not hear anything, but it seemed that the deviant was calming down, and he let go the girl, Connor had succeeded, everything seemed finished, when we heard shots come from nowhere , putting the deviant out of action, at the moment I let out a little cry of surprise.

-"Oh my God!" Putting one of my hands on my mouth, in shock of what had happened.

The child was saved, Connor turned around and walked over to me.

- "You're not hurt?" He asks me, his LED turning yellow, he analyzes me to make sure that everything is fine.

- "No, I ... I'm fine, it's okay." I look at his arm.

-"You're wounded, we're going back to CyberLife, I'll repair you." I said, turning around.

- "Alright agent Myers." He says following me.

I was trying to hide my concern, the adrenaline is struggling to come down, but I think he noticed, we go out of the building and go back to cyberlife.

30 minutes later.

We are at my assembly station, all the equipment I need is here.

- "Take off your jacket and your shirt, it will not be long."

He obeys, he puts his clothes on a chair next to me.

- "Sit down please".

He sits down, and he looks at me from top to bottom, analyzing all my gestures, I turn around and see that he was analyzing me.

- "There is a problem Connor?"

- "No" he says looking straight ahead.

- "Uh .. okay ..."

I approached him and began the reconstruction of the tissues damaged by the bullet. I looked at his face, his eyes were closed, he was reporting.

I had never taken the time to look at him, every detail of his skin, his hair ... his eyes. Cyberlife does a good job with the design and aesthetics of androids. It is hard to say that its skin is made of plastic, the material is so close to human skin. I looked at his face, there was so much detail, his eyes, his mouth.

Just as I raised my head, he opened his eyes, and for a few seconds he would have seen me staring at him. I felt my heart beat a little faster on the moment, I was lucky at that moment.

- "It's over, you can get dressed." I said store my equipment. He got up and put on his shirt and jacket.

He was looking at me, he seemed to be analyzing me, again.

-"What?" I said.

-"You are tired and stressed, you really need to rest, your heart beats a little too fast, and with the event of the apartment, you are exhausted." He says while analyzing me.

I was looking at him with wide eyes, I felt a little naked, because he can analyze the physical condition of a person, and I do not like to be looked at from every angle.

-"No, I'm fine okay?" I felt embarrassed.

-"I do not agree." He said in a serious tone.

-"Listen, I'm fine and I ask you not to analyze me anymore. If there is a problem, I'll let you know, okay?" I told him, looked him straight in the eyes.

-"Alright. I'm sorry, I did not want to make you feel uncomfortable."

-"Oh! no no, do not apologize! you're right I'm exhausted, I'll go home, we'll see you tomorrow to check your bio components." I took my things, my keys and went to the elevator.

-"I wish you a good night agent Myers."

I turn to look at him again,* yeah, me too.*


Hey everyone I hope you like it, the next chapter is coming soon, do not hesitate to leave a comment and see you soon :) :) :) :) :)

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