CH 18: Bound together

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CyberLife Tower

Third's person POV

Connor arrives at the CyberLife tower. Security is high, and he is expected. He enters, and stops in front of a guard.

-"Follow me. We'll escort you." Said the guard.

-"Thanks... But I know where to go."

-"Maybe, but I have my orders."

Connor is forced to follow the guard, it is better not to attract attention.He enters the elevator with the guards.

-"Agent 54. level 31."

Connor must think quickly, he must reach the warehouse before the elevator reaches its destination.He notices a camera, he starts to hack it. Then he sets up a combat simulation to neutralize the two guards. In a split second, he managed to get rid of the guards. He puts his hand on the control panel of the elevator and imitates the voice of the agent 54.

The elevator goes down to the warehouse.Connor comes out and goes to an android, his hand turns white and starts to convert the android.


-" Easy, fucking prick!..."

/Amal's POV/

That asshole, I thought it was Connor. He threatens me with his gun, and I can not do anything ... For the moment.

-"Step back, Connor! And I'll spare her!"

-"I'm sorry Connor.... I tought it was you!"


-"This woman's life is in your hands. Now it's time to decide what matters most! Her... or the revolution."

-" Do not listen to him, Connor. It's bullshit." I am surprised at the calm I show.

-"I use to be just like you. I tought nothing mattered except the mission. But then one day I understood."

-"Very moving, Connor... But I'm not a deviant. I'm a machine designed to accomplish a task, and that's exactly what I am going to do!"

He puts his pistol against my head. Connor looks me in the eyes, despite the distance that separates us, our eyes are deeply plant between us.

He must blame me for not having listened to him. But I had to come. He never let me down, so I will never let him down. If he jumps, I jump.

- "Amal ... why did not you listen to me?"

- "I .... I'm sorry Connor .... But I don't like to receive orders." I smiled slightly.

What else can I say ?! Nothing. I am like that and that's all.

-"Enough talk! It's time to decide who you really are.... Are you gonna save this woman? Or are you going to sacrifice her?"

/Third's person POV/

Connor had to make a choice.He can't sacrifice Amal ... He loves her.

-"Alright, alright! You win..."

Just at the moment as the fake Connor points his pistol at the real Connor, Amal grabs his arm and tries to neutralize him. Connor decides to intervene. Just before their fight, the fake Connor shot in Amal's leg who collapses with a cry of pain.


During their fight, Amal tries to reach the gun to try to kill the false Connor, she crawls while holding her leg, she loses a lot of blood. She begins to feel dizzy.

Detroit Become Human: Connor x OCWhere stories live. Discover now