CH 11: Protect her

643 19 0


PM 04:06

Zen garden

/Third's person POV/

Connor approaches Amanda, sitting in a boat.

-"Hello, Connor. I tought you might enjoy a little cruise..."

Connor sits in the boat and begins to wave paddles.
They advanced slowly on the water, everything is very calm.

-"I love this place... Everything is so calm and peaceful... Far from the noise of the world..."


-"Tell me, what have you discovered?"

-"I found two deviants at the Eden club... I hoped to learn something but... they managed to escape..."

-"That's too bad... You seemed so close to stopping them."

They continue to advance on the water.

-"You seem... lost, Connor. Lost and pertubed..."

Connor decides to be sincere.

-"I tought I knew what I had to do... but now I realize it's not that simple..."

He thinks of Amal ... of her arm ... the way she told him to leave her alone ... he is worried about her ... It hurts him ... badly.

*Software instability*

-" You had the opportunity to stop them, but you chose to help Agent Myers. Why, Connor?"

Connor had a flashback, heading towards Amal.

 * Are you alright, Amal? *

He was very worried for her at that moment.

Connor lowers his head, staring at the void.

-" I don't know..." He looks up at Amanda.

- "She needed me ..."

_"If your investigation doesn't make progress soon, I may have to replace you and agent Myers..."

Connor does not answer, he seems to be in internal conflict.

-"I... Understand, Amanda."

The wind is rising, the sound of a storm is approaching.

-"Something's happening... Something serious. Hurry, Connor. Time is running out."

Later, at the Stratford tower.

Amal was waiting for the arrival of Hank and Connor, they should not be late, meanwhile, she reported to Cyberlife.After the episode of Jericho, she knows she has to keep this for her ... Otherwise, she will not be able to see herself in a mirror anymore.The elevator opens, Connor and hank come out.

- "Hello, Amal," Connor said with a smile.

- "Hi, Connor ..." Amal was embarrassed, the last time they saw each other, she screamed at him in the face to leaving her alone. She blamed herself.

-"So, what do we got?" Said hank.

-"A group of four androids... they knew the building, and they were very well organized. I'm still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed."

Amal walk behind Hank, she did not care about the job at this time. She thought about how to apologize to Connor. She does not notice that he is walking right next to her.

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