CH 23: A New start

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3 months later

13 February 2039

Third's person POV

Connor and Amal bought a house outside the city. It's a small house, but there is a garden where Amal can relax and play bass.

She also owns a room that she arranged as a repair station, in case Connor is damaged during a mission with Hank.

She has also found a new job: She works in an androids repair shop, with this new job, she can sometimes bring back repair materials, biocomponents .... Obviously, her boss allows it.

She even made several changes to her prosthesis, now she can save and store information, data, just like a USB key, but much more powerful.

2:32 PM

Amal peacefully plays bass in the garden, it's sunny, and tomorrow is Valentine's Day.

She wonders what she'll be able to offer to Connor ....

Connor comes home at the same time, and notices Amal in the garden. She did not notice him, her back is turned towards him.

He approaches quietly to her. As soon as he was close enough, he wrapped his arms around her waist and put a kiss in her neck. Amal gasped in surprise. She did not expect Connor to come back so early. She smiles at the contact of his lips on her skin, it gives her chills.

She leans her head to the side to give him even more access in her neck.

- "You came home early today."

- "There was not much to do, just paperwork with Hank."

- "Ohhhhh, so we have all afternoon for us ..."Amal gets up from the deck chair, and gives a kiss to Connor.

- "I'm going to put away my bass".

She enters the house and drops the bass against the couch. Connor enters the living room.

- "You want to drink something?" He asks.

- "Yes, I would love a lemonade, Connor."

- "I bring you this."

Connor goes to the kitchen and prepares the lemonade. Amal sits down on the couch and turns on the TV.


* The week promises to be sunny with some cloud flying over Detroit. The city has organized a valentine's ball, so do not hesitate to come dance with someone you love! Now sport .... *

Connor comes back with a glass of lemonade and gives it to Amal, he sits next to her, and she comes to cuddle against him.

Amal yawn.

- "Pfffff, there's nothing good on TV ...." she said bored.

- "You know, tomorrow it's Valentine's Day and I thought we could ...."

- "Ohhhhhh .... Connor ... I'm really sorry but I'm working tomorrow .... my boss asked me for help to hold the shop, we'll be only two .... I'm really sorry, I forgot to tell you .... " Amal is really disappointed, she wanted to spend a day with Connor and go dancing with him.

- "Oh, it's okay ... we can do something else the next day." Connor also wanted to spend the day with Amal, but he remains positive, he can always organize something else, there is not only valentine's day to prove his love to her

- "I'm sorry, Connor ..."

- "No, it does not matter, do not worry."

He kisses her forehead to reassure her. Things have become so peaceful since they moved together.

Amal is happy, Connor is happy.

Even Hank is happy for them.

Sometimes he comes to see them, to talk, to laugh. Hank has become very close to them, He sees Connor as a son. Since he lost Cole, Hank had become distant, cold, he was avoiding people as much as possible. But since he met Connor and Amal, he has managed to take control of his life, even though he is still drinking.

Life has never been so sweet.

Amal and Connor are confident and hopeful for the future.

Nothing will be able to separate them.


CyberLife Tower

-"Are you sure this new model is foolproof? The old model was a prototype too and became deviant. He converted all the androids that was in the warehouse AND we have lost the trust of our customers "

- "Do not worry, it's faster, stronger, more resilient, and equipped with the latest technology. It will not fail."

- "How can you be so sure? Have you tested it?"

- "We'll find out soon ..." The man turns to the android.

- "RK900, are you ready to receive your instructions?"

The android opened his eyes.

-"Ready." The man turns to his colleague again.

- "Now, CyberLife will be able to be reborn from its ashes."


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Ohhhhhh, the danger is approaching ....

What will happen with the RK900?

Are Connor and Amal really out of danger?

What will happen on February 14th?

You will know it in the next chapter !!!!I wish you a good night or a good day !!!!

You will know it in the next chapter !!!!I wish you a good night or a good day !!!!

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