CH 21: A hot morning /smut/

661 12 1

AM 10:31

Amal's POV

I wake up with difficulty, I feel that my head weighs a ton. I try to get up from bed, but my ribs always hurt.

* Connor is not here? *

I managed to sit in bed, looking around me ....

- "... Connor?" my voice is completely broken.

Looking at the curtain of my window, I realize ...

-"What?....." I manage to get up, and open the curtain.

* It's morning? .... wait .... *

I'm heading to my alarm clock,it's marked 10:32 ....

* 10: 32 ?? !! *

- "I slept all night, for the first time in a year, I slept a full night ....." I smile stupidly, resting my alarm clock, I discover that I'm only wearing a panties.

* Connor undressed me? .... * I blush at this thought.

I look at my leg, the pain seems to be gone, look at me in the mirror, I see the huge bruise on my ribs, I put my hand on it, the pain is still there ... unfortunately.

I put on a black t-shirt, and leave my room staggering a little.

- "Connor?..."

-"I'm here!" His voice came from the kitchen.When entering the kitchen I see that he ..... was cooking?

-"You slept well?"

- "Er .... yes, I think ..." I rubbed behind my head.

- "Since when do you know how to cook?"

- "Oh, I did a lot of research on different recipes for breakfast, I thought you'd enjoy it."

I approach with an amused air and sit at the counter.

- "It smells good .... What is it?"

- "pancakes, eggs with bacon and coffee."

- "Oh, I'm not sure I could have eaten everything ...." I was a little embarrassed, he did all that for me, but there was a little too much ....

- "Oh ... it does not matter, as long as you eat a little, I'll be happy." He gives me a small smile by serving my coffee and some pancakes.

- "Thanks, Connor." I'm starting to eat, it's been a long time since I had a real breakfast. Connor looks at me eaten with amusement.

-"This is good?"

- "Mmmmmhhh, yes, very good!"

After a few minutes, I can not eat anything. My stomach is about to explode. When I finished drinking my coffee, several questions came to my mind.

- "Connor ...."


- "What's going on now? Androids won, I betrayed Cyberlife by stealing hardware, you became deviant, the media does not stop talking about the revolution ....."

- "And you ask yourself too much question," he said interrupting me.

I sigh, a worry suddenly growing in me. I have the feeling that it's not over yet ....

- "it's just .... I have a bad feeling ...."

I put the cup on the counter looking into the void.

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