CH 9: Repair, deviant and bridge

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AM 01:19

Amal'a apartment

Amal's POV

I repaired my arm, I searched all my apartment for another bio component, without that, my arm is no longer powered, and no longer works.I put blue blood everywhere. It's really a mess ...It took a while to repair, but my arm is functional again ... for now.

I hate myself for being aggressive towards Connor ... but ... I was ... weak. And I hate that.When I almost fell from the roof chasing Rupert ... I was just in shock, what human would not be after seeing death close up?

*I was ... nasty ... but it's not my fault! ...*

I feel guilty ... I left him there ... all alone ... I can still feel his look on me when I was leaving ... it hurts.

I did not want him to see me like that, that's all.And these two Traci ... they were ... in love.

I am disturbed by this vision ...They really seemed to love each other.I do not know what to think after that ...I sit on the couch ... close my eyes and trying to think about all that ...

the investigation ... the deviants ... my arm ... Connor.

* I'm sorry, Connor *



- "Huh ...?" I get up and go to the door.

-"Who is it?..."

no answer.

- "Connor, it's you?"

It's him, no doubt.I open the door, thinking it's him ...
In a split second, everything has changed. A man is pointing straight at me his pistol.

- "Stand back." he told me.

I put my hands in evidence and slowly backs up.

- "Do not ... do not shoot ... please."I try to keep calm.

The man makes me sit on the couch.He closes the door and goes to a window.

-"Who are you?" I asked him.

-"I need your help."

-"To do what?"

he turns to me.

- "to repair me."

He takes off his hoodie, and I saw a big wound in his belly, blue blood is flowing a lot.

- "Are you ... an android?" my eyes are wide open, surprised by this discovery.

- "Right, and I need you to repair me ... please."

-"Why me?"

- "You worked on my model nine months ago, I'm a RK200."

- "A domestic android ... yes, I worked on this model ..."

- "Then you are in the best position to repair me."

- "yes, but ... why me in particular? There are other people who have worked on this model too."

- "Because you watched me the first months I was tested. At Mr. and Mrs. Parker's."

- "Yes, I remember them well! what happened?"
The android sits in front of me, looking down.

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