CH 6: Small talk

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PM 03:02

Third's person POV

Connor exiting Hank's car, he was waiting for his order. He must be reconciled with the lieutenant.

As he approaches, he notices a discussion between Hank and a man.

-"Come on, this is different, it's 100% guaranteed. You can't go wrong."

-" Yeah, right..."

Connor analyzes his environment, he begins with the man talking with Hank.

-Aabdar, Pedro - Born: 01/25/2005// Unemployed - Criminal record: Illegal gambling, fraud-

Connor stopped.

-" Alright, I'm in." Said Hank

-"Damn straight!"

Hank gave Pedro money. And went away.

-"Hey! You won't regret this!"

Connor stands next to Hank.

-" Ooh.... What is your problem? Don't you ever do as you told? Look, you don't have to follow me around like a poodle!"


Connor decides to apologize.

-" I'm sorry for my behavior back at the police station. I didn't mean to be unpleasant."

-"Oh, wow...You've even got a brown-nosing apology program! Guys at Cyberlife thought of everything, huh?"

Hank's order has arrived.

-"Here you go." Said the man handing him his meal.

Connor decides again to analyze the situation. -"Ha! Thanks, Gary. I'm starving..."

-" Don't let that thing here!"

-'Huh, not a chance! Follows me everywhere..."

Hank goes to a table, while Connor follows him.


Connor stands against the table, trying to make the conversation to Hank ... Again.

-" I don't want to alarm you, lieutenant, but I think you friends are engaged in illegal activities..."

-" Well, everybody does what they have to, to get by... As long they're not hurting anybody, I don't bother'em."


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_" Do you eat here often?"

-"Most days... Gary makes the best burger on Detroit."


-" Is there anything you'd like to know about me?"

-"Hell, no... Well, Why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice?"

-" Cyberlife androids are designed to work hamoniously with humans. Both of my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration."

-" Well, they fucked up."


-"Um... And this Myers who follows us everywhere, what is her role exactly?"

-"Miss Myers must monitor the new model of androids placed on the market. She needs to make sure that everything is going well, and reports regularly to cyberlife to identify potential problems. As I am a prototype, she was specially chosen for this case. She is the best in her work, and working with her is an honor."

- "I see, she must be very intelligent then, to have been chosen."

-" You can not imagine how much, Lieutenant. Intelligent and strong are the words that define her. "

Hank smiled slightly at these words.

-"And have you been working together for a long time? "

-"Four months, 3 weeks, five days and sixteen hours, exactly."

-" Wow...I don't know if I would have the same patience as her. "Connor smiles at this remark.


-" Can I ask a personnal question, Lieutenant?"

Hank closed his eyes as a sign of his agreement

-" Why do you hate androids so much?"

-" I have my reasons."


-"Maybe I should tell you what we know about deviants?"

-"You read my mind... Proceed."

-" We believed that a mutation occurs in the software of some androids, wich can lead to them emulating a human emotion."

-" In english, please."

-"They don't really feel emotions, they just get overwhelemed by irrational instructions, which can lead to unpredictable behavior."

-"Emotions alaways screw everything up... maybe androids aren't as different from us as we tought."..." You ever dealt with deviants before?"

Connor remembers the Android who had taken a little girl hostage.

-" A few months back... A deviant was threatening to jump off the roof with a little girl... I managed to save her."

-" So, I guess you've done all your homework, right?"


-"Know everything there is to know about me?"

-"I know you graduated top of your class. You made a name for yourself in several case, and became the youngest lieutenant in Detroit. I also know you're received several disciplinary warnings in recent years and you spend a lot of times in bars."

-"So, what's your conclusion?"

Connor decides to be sincere.

-"I think working with an officer with personal issues is an added challenge, but adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features."

He winked.

-"I just got a report of a suspected deviant. It's few blocks away. Amal will be there too.We should go have a look."

He turns his gaze slightly to the side before returning to Hank.

-"I'll let you finish your meal. I'll be in the car if you need me."

He went back to the car.


This chapter is short but I keep the best for the future, do not hesitate to leave a comment, if you have any idea let me know, and I'll see you soon for more.

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Detroit Become Human: Connor x OCWhere stories live. Discover now