CH 20: Moment of peace

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Amal's Apartment

/Amal's POV/

Connor and I finally arrive at the apartment, my ribs and my leg are making me suffer. And I have to climb four floors to my apartment ....

I sigh.

 -"Let me help you." Connor tells me.

 - "Huh?"

Connor takes my right arm and puts it behind his neck, and lifts me up.He begins to climb the stairs with me in his arms. For a moment, I do not stop looking at him.

The last time we were close was in this cellar at the church. It was very fast, I think we were both afraid it would be the last time we were together. But now we have all the time ....

We arrive at the front door, I take the keys out of my pocket and open the door. Connor took my arm and led me to the couch. I sit down and put my leg on the table.

- "I'll get you a glass of water."

 - "Thank you Connor ... Oh, and do not forget my tranquilizers please!"

-"Okay!" He goes to the kitchen.

I take off my jacket and sweater and throw them on the floor. I take off my boots and unbutton my pants but I don't remove it. Connor's belt still serves as a tourniquet.

*I prefer that it be him who decides what to do with that.*

I see Connor come back to me with a glass of water and my tranquilizers. He puts them on the table where my leg is resting.

 - "Do you think there is a lot of damage?" I asked him.

- "Let me check." Its LED turns yellow.

 "The bullet has gone through, and the bleeding has stopped, but we have to suture the wound."

- "Oh ...... it's going to sting....." I grin at the idea of ​​a needle that pierces my skin.

Connor smiles at my sentence.

 - "Well, I do not guarantee that it will be pleasant, but I will make sure to do it gently."

- "I trust you, Connor ... uh ... in my room, there is a sewing box in the dresser, in the second drawer, and in the bathroom, there must be bandages and disinfectant."

 - "I'll go get them."

He goes to my room.

I take the box of tranquilizers, on the record it is written to take two pill .... But with what awaits me .... I will take three. I put the three pills in my mouth, take the glass of water and swallow the tranquilizers. I have not eaten anything for a while, it should act quickly.

Connor returns with the sewing box, disinfectant and bandages, he puts it on the table and goes to get a chair. He sat down in front of me.

 - "I'm going to remove the tourniquet."

-" Okay...."

 He gently removes his belt from my leg.

No bleeding, it's a start. I try to remove my pants but with the pain of my ribs ....

 - "Wait ..." said Connor.

He puts his hands on my hips and helps me pull my pants off, I lift my hips by pushing on my other leg. Connor softly drops my pants to my ankles, he gently lifts my leg without hurting me, and puts my pants on the table.

If it was not an emergency care situation .... I would jump on him .....

I'm starting to get hot .... It's probably the tranquillizers.

*Yeah .... probably ...*

Connor prepares the needle with a thread, takes the disinfectant with a compress and disinfects the wound.

 - "Ouch! Ouch ... it's burning! ...."

I grab the blanket next to me and put my face in it, gritting my teeth.

 - "Sorry, Amal." Connor quickly removes his hand from my wound, worried and helpless because of my pain.

- "No, it's okay ... you can continue." I smile at him.

Connor nod his head.

He takes the needle, and looks at me for a moment.

 - "I'm ready, go ahead."

Connor approaches the wound needle, and at the same moment I feel like I'm melting on the couch, the tranquilizers are useful at this moment. I feel the needle stung in my skin, but the pain is not intense, it is tolerable.

I close my eyes for a moment, I could feel one of Connor's hand hold my leg out while the other manipulates the needle. His hands ... are incredibly soft... I feel chills running through my body, it's so nice ..... If things get better after that ....

*Maybe we could ....*

/Third's person POV/

Amal falls asleep on the couch, Connor notices that her body is relaxed.


Connor puts a hand on her cheek, and turns her head toward him. He turns his head towards the tranquillizers, and understands that she has taken too much. Connor is doing an analysis on Amal's condition.

 -Heartbeats: 85

- Tension: 11.5

 - Body temperature: 37.5

Her health is not in danger. Connor sighs and feels reassured. He finishes suturing the wound, puts a bandage on and stores the material in the sewing box. He puts a hand on Amal's cheek, whispering in her ear:

 - "I'm going to put you to bed."

He gently takes her in his arms and heads for the bedroom. He puts her in bed and puts the blanket on her. He lies down next to her, and observes, he observes her breathing, he records every detail of her skin ... He counts her freckles ..

He will stay all night next to her, he will be there when she wakes up, he will always be there for her ....


He takes her by the waist and pushes her against him.

He said, murmuring:

 -"I love you."


Do not miss the next chapter !! The story is still far from over !!! do not hesitate to leave a comment, ideas for the story and I'll find you soon for the next chapter that will be .... HOT !!!

 HOT !!!

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