CH 19: Stronger than a program

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Marcus speech

AM 12:01

Third's person POV

Androids are free.They won, things have finally changed.Amal stands behind Markus, Connor is on his left.She can not help but smile all the way through the speech.For the first time, she feels free, the pain of her ribs and thigh seems to be a distant memory now.

North turns slightly to her to smile at him. She smiles even more, Amal turns slightly to Connor, he seems distant. She shifts to his left to get close to him.

She murmurs to him:

- "Connor, are you okay?"

Connor is in confrontation with his program that is trying to regain control over him. Connor's LED keeps flashing yellow.

- "Connor, answer me."

Zen garden

Connor is in the garden, the snow, the wind ...For the first time, he's cold, and he's lost.He looks around, he does not understand.He notices Amanda and approaches her.

- "Amanda .... what's.... what's happening?"

-"What is planned from the very beginning. You have been compromised and become a deviant. Do not have regrets, you did what seemed right to you. It is only a matter of time for us to resume the control of your program."

-"Resume control? You... You can't do that!"

-"I'm afraid I can, Connor. And for Myers, we will take care of her."

Amanda disappears.


Connor can not give up, Amal may be in danger.

- "There must be a way ...."

Connor looks around, then remembers what Kamski said.He always leaves an exit in his programs. He begins to walk in search of this exit. The wind and the cold intensifies. He sees a blue glow about 5 meters from him.

- "Here it is ... Amal ..."

Approaching the exit, he falls to the ground, raising his head towards the blue light, he seems to hear the voice of Amal.

- "Connor? Answer me ..."

-"Amal ...." He raises his arm with difficulty towards the panel, and in this last effort, managed to put his hand on it. In one second, Connor returns.

- "Connor, are you okay?"

He turns his head towards Amal, a little lost.

- "Um ... yes ... I'm fine."

-"Are you sure?"

- "Yes, Amal."

Amal smiles, she is reassured. She turns her attention back to Markus.As soon as Amal does not look at him anymore, Connor realizes he's holding his gun with his left hand. He hides it quickly.He was going to do something horrible. But it's over.He has become stronger than his program, nothing can reach him anymore.

But .... he's worried about Amal.CyberLife will surely try to attack her in the coming days.

He will protect her until the end.

When Markus finishes his speech, all the androids cheer him on. Amal applauded, North walks over to her and hugs her, Markus approaches her to shake her hand.

- "Thank you, Markus."

- "No, thanks to you."

North had an idea.

- "Amal, become our human representative!"

-"What?!" Amal is almost strangled with her own saliva.

North smiled at her reaction.

- "Becomes our representative."

- "But... Markus already represents all the androids, you do not need me for that!"

- "Of course yes! You are the only human we trust! Please Amal, accept!"

Amal focuses a lot on this demand.Finally, she accepts, she promised Markus and North that she would help them until the end. She turns to Connor, she puts a hand on his shoulder.

- "Let's go home." she smiles.

- "Our home." Connor answers, caressing her cheek.

While walking, Amal feels the pain in her thigh. But she can't go to the hospital, she would be directly under arrest for treason against CyberLife, and help Jericho's leaders. Connor knows that too, he will look after Amal and protect her, things are not completely finished. But for now, he wants to enjoy the moment with her. All he wants is to be with her.

But for how long?


OK, this chapter is short, but I have to find some ideas for the future, do not worry, the story is not over yet. If you have ideas for the rest of the story, tell me in the comments, I would love to share ideas with you all. I wish you a good day or a good night !!!! See you!!!!!

 I wish you a good day or a good night !!!! See you!!!!!

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