CH24: A part of me

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Valentine's Day

9:30 am

Third's person POV

Amal went to work, obviously she was disappointed that she could not spend the day with Connor.In addition, she still does not know what to offer him.Connor would like to offer her something special.He went to Hank's home for advice.

- "So, Connor, it's Valentine's Day ... the day or you end the day in the arms of a woman .... Either she strangle you for not having offered her anything!" Hank had a chuckle.

- "I have a problem, Hank ...." Connor said seriously.

- "Mmmh? Well, what is it?"

- "I do not know what to offer to Amal ..."

- "Ohhhh .... Flowers, a poem, chocolate .... There are lots of things that can be offered to a woman ...."

- "No, not that kind of stuff .... I want to give her something really special .... Something that would reassure her when I'm not with her ...."

- "Something special ? ....." says Hank.

They are both concentrating ....

Something special ....

- "Hey, maybe something that belongs to you, Connor!"

- "Who's mine?"

- "Yes, I do not know .... Maybe .... er .... I do not know ....."

Connor had a revelation.

- "Yes, you're right Hank, I know what to offer her now!"

Connor left Hank alone in the kitchen and slammed the door.

- "Ok .... Glad to have helped you ...." Hank took a sip of beer.


Amal works a lot at the repair shop, her boss is proud of her.there is a lot of work, and there are only two to manage the shop, between the customers who come deposed androides damaged, those who come to buy ....

At this rate, Amal will be totally exhausted, and she will not be able to probably not having an intimate moment with Connor tonight.

PM 19:00

Normally, Amal finished at 18:00. but there is still a lot to do. Her boss noticed all the work she did, he approaches her.

- "Miss Myers ..." Amal turns to his boss.

-" Yes Boss?"

- "I noticed all the work you did today, and I must say, you did a good job."

- "Thank you very much, boss! I love my work!"

- "but I think you love your boyfriend a lot more than your job."

- "Uh ... actually sir ...." -

"It's okay, I'm going to release you for the rest of the evening. Tomorrow you can relax, I'm giving you the day."

- "Oh sir, really ?!"

- "I'm the boss, and it's me who decides." Amal is so happy to be able to find Connor again.

-"Thank you very much!!!"

- "You're welcome, Myers."

Connor enters at the same time in the shop.

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