CH 5: An eventful day

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10 AM

/Third's person POV/

Amal didn't sleep much that night, going into the kitchen, she went through the living room to see if Connor is still there ... But he left. He was probably going to join the lieutenant at the police station.
She turns on the music to put a little atmosphere, she listens * The sky is a neighborhood * of Foo Fighters. She loves this song, so much that she mumbles the lyrics.

She drinks a coffee, goes to the bathroom to take a shower, then she puts on dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt, she puts makeup to camouflage her dark circles under the eyes, she makes sure not to hide her freckles, after all, that's what makes her charming after all ...

When she was little, she liked to count them, but she never succeeds, she has too many freckles, sometimes she wondered if she would succeed. Her grandmother told her that she had been put under a colander under the sun, and that was how she had freckles ...

This thought made her smile ... she misses her grandmother a lot ...

It's been two years she left ... Amal took a long time to accept it. It was her grandmother who gave her passion for ancient Egypt.

she lets out a slight sigh.

She smoothes her hair, they are very short on the sides and she lets them grow up at the top of her head.

She puts mascara, a little bit of lipstick and that's all. No need to look like a pot of paint to be pretty.

She goes to the living room to take her tablet to see if a new case has arrived. There was nothing ... for now. She still hoped to spend a quiet day, but, cases of androids becoming deviant, it's every day.

She turns on the TV and sits on the couch ...

She thought back to last night, with Connor ... She did not know what to do ... She is very attached to him, it's been four months that they work together ... She must admit, that she appreciates his company.

Every time she sees him, she can not help but smile at him, but when he approaches to discuss with her ...

It becomes agony ... Her heart beats faster and louder, and becomes tense at this proximity.

But it is a machine, it is designed to accomplish its mission: stop the deviants. But sometimes, she feels ... that he's more than that ... It's as if she sees a semblance of life in his eyes ...


It's a machine, and Amal is just an equation for him, a 0 or 1 ... nothing more ...

She drove those thoughts out of her head, and lay down on the couch watching TV ...

/Meanwhile, at the police station./

Connor waited for the Lieutenant's arrival at his office, he analyzed the office to know more about Lieutenant Anderson. A few minutes later, the lieutenant arrives.

-" It's good to see you again, lieutenant." he said with a smile .

-"Uh, jesus..."Hank sighed "Agent Myers is here too?"

-"No. She's is only present when a new case arrives, she must be there before our arrival, so that she can see my adaptation and my effectiveness on the scenes of crimes, as yesterday for example."

- "And it's going to be like that for a long time?"

- "There are still two months left, lieutenant."

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