CH 7: The chase

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Amal 's POV:

I left the elevator with Hank, I notice that Connor is still inside.

- "Connor?" He opens his eyes and looks at me.

- "Yes Amal?"

-'What are you doing?"

-"I was making a report to Cyberlife."

- " Oh... And do you plan on staying in the elevator?"

- "No, I'm coming."

I continue my way with the lieutenant.

-"What do we know about this guy?" Asked Hank.

-"Not much. Just that neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding a LED under his cap." Answered Connor.

-"Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops."

I smile at Hank's remark.

We're getting closer to the front door, hank is standing against the wall, Connor is in front of the door, and I'm standing right next to him.Connor knocks.

No answer.

He knocks again a little harder.

-"Anybody home?" He said.

-" Open up! Detroit police!" I said.

We heard a loud noise inside.

- "Stay behind me." Said Hank.

-"Got it." Answered Connor.

Connor takes my arm and puts me behind him.

Hank broke the door.We enter while being on our guard, Connor still held my arm, and I put my hand on him to make him understand that everything's OK. He looks at me, and nods while letting me go.

-"Thank you Connor" I smiled at him.

Hank pushed another door, and ... Pigeons?

-" What the fuck is this?!" Hank Said.

- "Pigeons, it seems to be Lieutenant." I Answered to him .

We enter the apartment, my eyes are wide open to the sight of all these birds in this apartment. I could not believe my eyes.

I know that some deviants can be obsessed with animals ... but I have never seen that.

-" Jesus, this place stinks..." I said, putting my hand on my mouth. "A human can not live here, it's impossible ..."

Connor, Hank and I started to search the apartment.I go to the bathroom, while Connor is in the living room. I found a disabled LED at the edge of the sink, as well as writing on the wall of the bathroom shower. * rA9 * Again.

- "Hey, Connor come see!"

Connor enters the bathroom.

- "Did you find something?"

- "Yeah ... look."

Connor took the LED from my hand for analysis. He then turns on the wall, looking at the writings.

Hank enters the bathroom.

-" Any idea what it means?" He asked.

-" rA9... written 2471 times..." Said Connor.

-"It's the same sign Orti's android wrote on the shower wall..." I said " Why are they obsessed with this sign?..." I said tilting my head slightly to the side.

Detroit Become Human: Connor x OCWhere stories live. Discover now