CH 12: reflexion

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PM 11:36

Amal's POV

Why did I do that? Why did I kiss him? I'm not myself anymore ... I almost died, he almost died .. He saved me ... He could have attacked the deviant or shot him ...

But he chose me.

I walk in circles in my living room, I have the impression to have made a mistake ... A BIG mistake.

He was afraid?

Afraid of what?

Afraid to die?

Afraid of losing me?

I'm going to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror ... All these emotions make me cry ... I was scared ... I was afraid because he was dying.

By thinking about it, maybe the androids are really alive

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By thinking about it, maybe the androids are really alive. They have dreams, hopes, personalities, a conscience ... Like this android, Michael, he became deviant for love ... He loved this woman.

But ... Connor is designed to stop the deviants, his program is probably too "safe" to feel the slightest emotion. The tears do not stop flowing ... I'm exhausted ... I can not take it anymore.

Every time I see him, part of me wants to be with him, wants to touch him, to feel him ... everything.

And another tells me that it is only a machine.

That he does not feel anything.But sometimes he looks at me in such a way that makes me doubt. Which makes me blush, and makes me feel warm inside.

His eyes ... so deep ... I sometimes feel like drowning in it.

Extremely deep brown eyes.

I sigh.

I put water on my face.

* I'm getting stupid or what? *

I'm in love ... with an android.

I fell in love ... with Connor.

Ohhhh sure I had other men in my life. Men with whom I had sex, with whom I did not want to be alone, whether in my bed, or at work. I am not made for loneliness.

But an android?

I really have to feel alone to consider this possibility.

But ... when he's here ... I feel good. That's all.

I smile. Maybe ... is there a chance? And if he became deviant? He would have emotions ...

And maybe we will have a chance ... I really don't know.

I feel like I'm cut in half.

On one side, my reason.

On the other, my feelings for him.

And I kissed him.

Like that...

I hope things will not be weird next time we see each other.

I head for the shower and turn on the hot water. I prefer to stop thinking ... for now, I try to relax.

Tomorrow will be a new day.

Maybe, a better day.

CyberLife tower

Repair station.

Third's person POV

Connor is staying at CyberLife. He is still at the repair station. He could have followed Amal, but he does not know how to react after she has kissed him. His program did not analyze the situation. He had the impression that his system was overheating as Amal kissed him.
He is lost, confused ...

For the first time, he does not know how to handle the situation.

Amal kissed him.

He did not do anything.

And she left... Rather, he let her go.

He could have kept her from leaving ... he could have ... hugged her ... or ... He does not know.

Connor is not supposed to think of such things. And yet, he thinks so.

He thinks of Amal.

He thinks, of her eyes, her lips, her skin, her tattoo... He thinks all about her.

If something happened to her... never, he couldn't forgive himself. He is afraid for her.

He worries about her.

And he does not know why.

*Software instability*


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Short chapter, but I keep the best for the future of course ;) ;) ;)

I wanted to deepen Connor's and Amal's thoughts together to form a bond that will solidify in the future. the next chapter is already written on paper, it will arrive tomorrow !! I wish you a good day or a good night !!!!

 the next chapter is already written on paper, it will arrive tomorrow !! I wish you a good day or a good night !!!!

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Ahhhhh .... he's too hot !! *_*!

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