CH 30: Remember

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At kamski

/Amal's POV/

I go to kamski, full of hope.

There is still a chance to bring him back. I can not see my future without Connor.

I ring at the door and knock several times. An android opens the door.

- "Can I help you?"

- "I must see Elijah, he is waiting for me!"

I hurry to enter the house.I head for the room where there is the pool.

- "Elijah? Where are you ?!" there is nobody, yet he knows that I am here.

- "ELIJAH !!!" I scream, my voice resonates in the room.

A door opened on the other side of the room.

- "Amal Myers, how are you?" with a charming tone.

 - "Bad, Elijah, you have to help me."

- "Oh, and what can put you in such a state? An android I guess ..."

- "If you know it, then you also know what I want."

- "Indeed, you want me to assemble a RK800."

- "What are you waiting for then ?! Do it now!"

I'm starting to lose patience, Elijah likes to see me like that.

- "Come on Amal, everything at a price, you are best placed to find out ...."

- "How dare you? You asked nothing in exchange when you help me to design my prosthesis! You take advantage of the situation .... you disgust me!"

- "Well, it seems like it's not that important then, take care of yourself." He turns around and starts to leave.


He stops and turns to me with a smile.


- "I ..... I need you, please ..."

His smile grows.

I sigh. I can not believe I'm going to say that ...

- "Listen, you are the man of the century, you are the man who creates the androids, the man who always accomplished his goals .... The man who made my arm and part of my life ... I ask you to help me. " I approach him without breaking eye contact.

-" What is your price?"

His smile gone, he probably did not expect that.

For the first time in my life, I submit to someone .... But it will be the first and last time.

- "My price? Mmhh ... you."


- "You heard me, my price is you."

 - "Wait, wait ... you want... to sleep with me ?!"

- "No I would not go that far ... even if it would be wonderful ... a kiss will be perfect."

*Oh god... help me...*

- "Just ... one kiss ... and you will assemble an RK800?"

 - "Yes, just one kiss."

Elijah always find me to his taste, he takes advantage of the situation.

Detroit Become Human: Connor x OCWhere stories live. Discover now