CH 26: Find her and save her

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Third's person POV

Connor is surprised to find the house so quiet.He takes off his jacket and looks around.

-Amal? You are here?"

No answer.He goes to the bedroom.

There is nobody.The bathroom, the garden, the kitchen ....

Amal is not there obviously. Looking at the counter, he notices a paper with a message.

* I went shopping, I'll be back before you, if it's not the case, surprise me when I come home. I love you. Amal. *

It is 18:12, Amal should be at home.

Connor analyzes the message.

- The ink dried about 3 hours ago, Amal's writing technique says she wanted to shop fast.-

Connor looks around him. He begins to worry. It is not in the habits of Amal. He decides to contact Markus and North to ask if they have seen Amal.

They did not see her.

Connor thinks, Amal could not vanish like that.

She is somewhere, that's for sure. On a perimeter of 10 kilometers, there is a supermarket about 30 minutes from here.

Amal surerly took the bus to get there.

Connor takes the car and goes to the supermarket. It is unlikely that Amal is still there, but he can still ask if anyone sees her.

He notices the security cameras, he connects to see what was filmed.He views the images filmed 3 hours ago.He sees Amal, walking quickly in the aisles, it confirms the fact that she was in a hurry to get home.

She goes to cashier number 4. He walks towards her.

-"Excuse me madam..."

The woman turns to Connor.

-"I can help you?"

- "Yes, have you seen this woman recently?" Connor opened his right hand and a picture of Amal appears.

- "Mmmh ... Yes, I remember her, she seemed in a hurry to leave."

- "Do you know which direction she left?"

- "Um ... It seems to me that she went there, towards the bus stop."

-"Thank you." Connor walks out of the supermarket and heads for the bus stop.

There was no one.

Connor inspects the area. He finds hair, are those of Amal. He also finds fingerprints on the bench, these are also those of Amal.

-Amal had sat on the bench to wait for the bus-

Under the bench, Connor finds a syringe. He analyzes the liquid inside.

- Anesthetic-

There was enough anesthetic to put a person to sleep.

Connor begins to understand. By collecting the clues, he begins a simulation of the events.

- Amal arrives at the bus stop, she sits on the bench, someone approaches her without being noticed, he injects the tranquilizer and takes her somewhere -

Connor notices that there is no fingerprint on the syringe.

- An android kidnapped Amal?-

Connor is shocked by his discovery. Amal has been abducted by an android. He notices a camera on the other side of the street, he connects for viewing the images.

He sees Amal sitting on the bench, she seems to be listening to music.Someone approaches her from behind and grabs her for injected anesthetic, he takes Amal in a car and heads for the city.

- "No .... Amal ...." Connor is upset.

The woman he loves is kidnapped.

He contacts Hank.

- "Hey, son what's going on?"

- "Hank, it's Amal ....."

- "What? What is it?"

- "She's been kidnapped ..."

30 minutes later

Connor joins Hank where they have a view of the Detroit Bridge.

- "What do you mean, she's kidnapped ?!"

- "The last time she was seen was at the bus stop! Then someone removed her by injecting him with tranquilizer!"

- "But who kidnapped her, Connor ?! Who ?!"

- "An android, it's an android."

-"What?! Why?"

- "I don't know.... I couldn't identified its model ..."

There was a silence.

- "Hank .... I have to find her ... I need help .... please ... without her ... it's as if part of me is dead. ... "

Connor is completely lost. He has never felt these emotions: The loss, the lack ...He suplies Hank to help him.

- "Hey, hey calm down, ok? We'll find her .... I promise."

Hank puts a hand on Connor's shoulder.

- "Thank you Hank ... Thank you."


Will Connor and Hank find Amal?

What will happen with RK900?

You will know it in the next chapter !!!! I wish you a good day or a good night !!!!

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