CH 27: Amal takes action

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/Amal's POV/

I can not stay here, I have to find a way to escape ...

If Connor finds me he will be in danger.

It's not for him to save me ... it's me.

The RK900 is in a corner of the room, eyes close. He's probably reporting to CyberLife.

* Think Amal, think .... *

The window is too small, I could not go through it.

There is only the door.

The Rk900 began to move.

 - "I'll bring you something to eat."

- "Huh? I thought I was your prisoner."

 "It's true, but I told you that no harm will be done to you, which includes the fact that I have to make sure you're alive."

He leaves the room and locks the door.Ok, ok! it is time !I go to the door.There is no lock on this side.

I turn the doorknob ... and try to open it ...

 the door seems not stable ...

A few well-placed shoulder hits would be enough to smash it ...

Without thinking, I step back and run into the door with my left shoulder.I strike so loudly that the skin of my prosthesis becomes white.

 I continue.

The door will soon be broken. I hit one last with all the strength I have and the door breaks. I fall on the other side of the door, there is a staircase in front of me.

I start running and find myself in a dark hallway.There is a window, I look outside. I'm in town, it's a fact ...But where exactly?

I hear a door slammed.

 *Shit! He came back!!*

I put myself against the wall and hoping he does not see me. He passes by me, without seeing me ...

 * Fuck .... it was close .... *

I release my breath and go to the exit door.It's raining...

 But no time to think, as soon as he will notice that I am no longer there, he will pursue me ....

I must find Connor before him!
I start running as fast as I can. I cross a park and head into an alley.

 * Wait .... I know this place .... *

Yes! This is where Connor and I pursued this android and this child !! I go over the fence and slide down.

But I would not take the risk of crossing the highway. I decide to go along the barrier.

 It's dark and I'm soaked, if I do not get sick .... That will mean that I have a damn good immune system !

There are fewer and fewer cars arriving ... I could have crossed ...I take a deep breath and run at full speed to the middle of the highway. I jump over the gates and cross the highway for the last time.

 I take a breath and take the stairs to an alley.

Arriving in the street I notice a police car.I head for the car, but there is no one inside.

 I look around and see a bar.

* They are probably inside ... *

 I enter the bar and everyone turns to me.

Detroit Become Human: Connor x OCWhere stories live. Discover now