CH 4: Interrogation

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It's been two hours, trying to make the deviant talk, Lieutenant Anderson trying to get a reaction from the deviant, but he does not move.

-"Say something, goddammit!" He hits the table.

No reaction.

-"Fuck it, I'm outta here..." He said, leaving the room.

-"We waste our time with that, we're gettin' nothing out of it!"

-"'Could always try roughing it up a little." says Detective Reed. "After all, it's not human...".

-" Androids don't fell pain." Connor replied. " You would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk."

-" Deviants also have a tendency to sef-destruct when they're in stressful situations." I said.

-" Okay, beautiful. What should we do then?" Say Detective Reed, with a sarcastic smile.

-" Well... I could try questioning it...."

He laughs mockingly, which annoys me a lot, I can not bear mockery.

-"I do not see what is funny detective, I work with androids, I think to be well placed to try to make it spoken." I said, with frowning eyebrows, and a tone of anger in my voice.

-"What do we have to lose?" Said Lieutenant. "Go ahead Myers, suspect's all yours."

-" Thank you lieutenant".

I go to the door, then I feel a hand resting on my shoulder.

- "I'm coming with you," Connor tells me. I felt my cheeks warm at this touch.

- "N ... No, I can do it alone, thank you Connor."

- "Sorry, but I insist, deviants are irrational, I have to make sure you're safe."

After thinking, Connor could be useful, he could probe the memory of the deviant if it becomes complicated.

-"Okay, Connor."

My heart was beating fast, I look away from him, trying to hide my blush on the cheeks.
As we enter the interrogation room, Connor stands in the corner as I sit on the chair.

I looked at the deviants, he was badly damaged, marks of burn, his right arm seemed to have been hit, probably the baseball bat. I had to make sure I was not stressed, otherwise he would self-destruct.

- "My name is Amal Myers, what is your name?"

No answer.

- "You are severely damaged, did your owner doing this to you? He was hitting you?"

No answer.

- "Listen, if you do not tell me anything, I can not help you, all I want is to know what happened."
No reaction from him.

I sigh.

- "You know, I work for Cyberlife, I'm at the assembly and repair unit, maybe I can fix you and convince them not to destroy you." I said with a confident tone.

The deviant looked at me, without saying anything.

- "If you do not speak .... I should have given the order to this android to probe your memory."

- "No, please." He raised his head, looking around him.

- "What.... what are they going do to me? ...... They're gonna destroy me, aren't they?"

- "No ...... They just want to know the truth, nothing else. They know your master abused you. It wasn't your fault."

He turns his gaze to Connor

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