CH 14: Tension and choice

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PM 04:13

Zen garden

Third's POV

Connor has to talk to Amanda, a lot of questions torment him.

He meets her on the other side of the bridge.

-"After what happened today, the country is on the verge of a civil war. The machines are rising up against their masters. humans have no choice but to destroy them."

-"I tought Kamski knew something... I was wrong..."

-"Maybe he did... But you chose not to ask..."

Amanda is disappointed, she expected better.

-"I chose not to play his twisted little game! There was no reason to kill that android."

*Software instability*

-"You chose not to ask.... Because of her."

Connor becomes silent.

Her.... Amal.

-"Wh...Why did kamski leave CyberLife? What happened?"

-"It's an old story, Connor. It doesn't pertain to your investigation."

-"Where does CyberLife stand in all this? What do they really want?"

-"All CyberLife wants is to resolve the situation and keep selling androids."

-'You didn't tell me everything you know about deviants, did you?"

*Software instability*

-"I expect you to find answers, Connor. Not ask question."

Amanda approaches Connor.

-"I don't like the relationship you're starting to have with Agent Myers, if that had continued she would have to leave."

- "What?"

-"You heard very well, Connor, your relationship with her has become too close, and that may be detrimental to the investigation."

Connor does not agree with Amanda at all.

-"It's simple, Connor, either you've found the deviants, or the agent Myers will be removed from this investigation."

Connor is lost. He could lose Amal ...

Lose her.

-"You're the only one who can prevent civil war. Find the deviants, or there be chaos."


-"This is your last chance, Connor."

Return to Captain Fowler's office.

-"You're off the case. The FBI is taking over."

-"What?... But we're on something! We... we just need more time. I'm sure we can-

-"Hank, you don't get it. This isn't just another investigation, it's a fucking civil war! It's out of our hands now... we're talking about national security here."

-"Fuck that! You can't just pull the plug now! Not when we're so close!

Connor looks slowly to the window, he notices Amal who has just arrived.She seems preoccupied and angry she puts her tablet on Hank's desk.

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