CH 13: Kamski

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AM 11:17

Amal's POV

Hank contacted me to tell me that he had found where Kamski lived. Arriving at the house, He was already there, he is on the phone, he seems worried. As I approach him, I pass by his car and see Connor.

* Oh, no .... I don't want him to ask me questions about last night *

I decide to ignore him. For now.
He gets out of the car and approaches me and Hank.

 - "Hello, Amal." He tells me with his usual smile.

- "Hi, Connor." I don't look at him, I want to avoid any visual contact with him.

Hank hangs up his cell.

- "What's going on, Lieutenant?" I ask him.

-"Chris was on patrol last night. He was attcked by a bunch of deviants... he said he was saved by Markus himself..."

-"Is Chris ok?" Ask Connor.

-"Yeah, he's in shock but... he's alive... ........What the hell..."

-"I have a bad feeling, lieutenant" I said. "We shouldn't have come here."

- "Why, Myers? You're about to meet the boss of CyberLife, are you afraid of meeting him?" Hank asks me.

- "No! Not at all! It's just ... I do not like it."

I don't want to tell them that I already know him. He helped me to design my prosthesis. I needed help, and I asked him.

Elijah loves challenges. And I was one of his best challenges: to create a perfect prosthesis from the materials used to design an android. And he succeeded.

We have become ... friends, even if we have always had a little trouble getting along, I respect him, and he respects me. We arrive at the front door, Hank rings.

An android opens the door.

-"Hi... uh.... I'm, er, Lieutenant hank Anderson, Detroit Police Departement. And this is Amal Myers, Agent Of CyberLife. We are here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski."

-"Please, come in."


We enter in a beautiful waiting room.

* Elijah always has good taste, as I can see *

Sober, refined ...

-"I'll let Elijah know you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable."

The android leaves the room. I look around me. I look at the portrait of Elijah.

* One year already, Elijah. *

Hank is sitting in an armchair.

-"Nice girl..." He said.

-"You're right... she's really pretty..." responds Connor.

I turn to him and raises my eyebrows.

-" Seriously, Connor?" I say to him.

- "Something wrong, Amal?" he asks me.

-"No... nothing."I quickly turn my head towards the portrait and act as if nothing had happened.

 * He said she is, pretty? seriously?!*

Wait ... I'm ... jealous?

Jealous of an android?

Whatever...I rub my eyes.

Detroit Become Human: Connor x OCWhere stories live. Discover now