CH 15: Moment of truth

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Amal's POV

I was able to join Jericho, I took all the materials I needed at home.

The deviants arrive ever more numerous. Some are injured, fortunately I'm here to help them. but some deviants have a hard time trusting me .... I do not blame them. It's normal, after all that they went through .... There is a lot of work. I hope I can hold on.

I have a presentiment ... but I don't know if it's good or bad.

I hope it's ok.

I think about Connor ...I wish things were different ...

To shorten it:

Connor is an android.

I fell in love with him.

And our love seems impossible.

Knowing that he hunts deviants, AND I help deviants.

*shit life ...*

I know Markus is debriefing with North and the others ... But I should go see him for the rest of the events.I put my stuff in my bag, and will join markus.

Third's person POV

Connor has found Jericho, He is disguised as deviant to not be spotted.He sees a deviant left the room where Markus is. He closes his eyes.

Zen garden

He is facing Amanda.

-"Well done, Connor. You succeeded in locating Jericho and finding their leader... Now, deal with Markus. We need it alive."

Connor opened his eyes again.

prepare his gun, and enter the room where Markus stands.Markus has his back turned.Connor points the gun at him.

-"I've been ordered to take you alive"

Markus turns around.

-"But I won't hesitate to shoot if you give me no choice."

-"You're one of us." Said Markus.

Amal's POV

I go up the stairs and enter the room.

 - "Markus, I ..."

I could not speak anymore.

 - "C ... Connor ?!"

I look at him, paralyzed to see him again.He turns his head slightly towards me, his pistol still pointed at Markus.

 - "Amal? ... what are you doing here?"

- "I ... I help Markus, I help deviants."

 Connor frowns at my answer.

- "You have nothing to do here, you should leave." he told me.

I'm thinking.

 - "No, Connor, I'm staying."

I move slowly to be on the side of Markus and face Connor.

- "Listen, you do not have to do that, they want to be free, and you too, if you want, you could be free."

He does not answer.

- "You could be so much more ..."

-"You can't betray your own kind" said Markus.

-"You're coming with me!"

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