CH 28: Anger

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AM 2:36

/Connor's POV/

Everything is confused.I have never experienced such emotion before ...

It's strong, powerful .....


Angry that I could not protect Amal.

Angry that she was alone for two days.

Angry that she's sick, and I can not do anything more to help her. I am angry, I was stupid.I lie next to her in the bed, I watch her sleep.

She seems so soothed ...I wish it were all the time like that, in peace, no fear, no stress ....

Just me and her. I get up slowly from the bed to not wake her up and head for the window.

It's raining. I think of everything we went through together ... The deviants, the attack at Jericho, CyberLife ....

 We are strong. She became so strong.

I will stay with her until the end. I will not abandon her.


- "Connor ....?" I turn to her.

- "What are you doing standing up? It's late ...."  Her voice is a little broken, she rubs her eyes.

- "Sorry, did I wake you up?"

- "No ... I just felt like I was alone ..." I sit on the bed.

- "You're not alone, I'm here ..."

- "I know, it was just an impression, nothing more ..." She runs her hand through my hair.

- "You look anxious, Connor ... Something wrong?"

I look at her for a moment, there is a silence between us.I feel like my throat is squeezed.

- "I .... I'm sorry ..." I turn my head away from her.

 - "What? Why, Connor?"

- "I ... I should have been there the day you disappeared, I promised you that I will always be there for you and that was not the case, you were alone for two days, you are sick and I can not do anything else to help you, and I- "

 I was cut by a kiss.

Amal looks at me with tenderness.

 - "Connor, do you remember the gift you gave me?"

- "Yes, I remember."

 - "Then I was not alone, you were there, you were always there for me, as I'm here for you."

Amal held out her left hand. As soon as I touch her hand, my hand becomes white and hers too.

I see all the moments we shared together. It's... beautiful.

She releases my hand and looks at me with her green eyes. Her eyes are beautiful ....

 -"You see?" she tells me. "I was not alone."

She caress my cheek, I take her hand and kisses her.

 - "I love you ..." I tell her.

- "I love you ... Connor ..."

I lie next to her and curl an arm around her waist.

Anger is gone, but it's not over.

Rk900, will come back.

 I'm ready.


The fight is approaching.

Who will win?

Will Connor be destroyed?

Rk900 Will fail?

'll know it in the next chapter !! Feel free to leave a comment, if you have ideas, I'll be happy to know! I wish you a good day or a good night !!!!

'll know it in the next chapter !! Feel free to leave a comment, if you have ideas, I'll be happy to know! I wish you a good day or a good night !!!!

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