CH 29: RK800 vsRk900

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AM 10:27

/Amal's POV/

Antibiotics made me sleep, I feel good.

I still cough a little, but the fever and the feelings of cold have disappeared.

I get up from bed, Connor is not here. I put on a shirt and head into the kitchen.

* Maybe he is cooking? ... *

Connor is not here.there is a note written on the fridge.

 * I went to buy food. Back in fifteen minutes. I love you, Connor *

The last time one of us left a note, things went wrong ...

I shake my head to forget. If I think of things like that, I risk becoming completely paranoid.

I turn on the TV to fill the silence. I go to the bathroom.

* A good hot shower ... *

/15 minutes later/

I came out of the shower and wiped my body and my hair.then I hear a door slam.

 * Ah, Connor is finally home ... *

I wrap my towel around my body and head into the living room with a smile.

- "So ... what did you buy?" I said with a charming tone.

 I stop, completely shocked.

- "Hello Miss Myers." Rk900 is back.

He is standing in front of me.

Think fast ....

I see my phone on the counter of the kitchen. I have to find a way to call Connor.

- "If you're here to take me back to this disgusting room ... You'll regret it!" I make some steps on the side, I approach slowly and surely my phone.

 - "Do not worry, I got new instructions."

- "Ah, and which ones?"

 - "Disable RK800, from any method."

-" Which means?"

 - "Which means that your life ... does not matter anymore."

On those words that shock me, I grab my phone and try to call Connor.

Rk900 throws itself on me and pushes me on the ground and I loose my phone. I protect my face with my left arm and push back with my Rk900 legs. I crawl to my phone and managed to contact Connor. I stand up and run into the bedroom and lock the door.

I hide in the closet and put my phone to my ear.

 - "Come on, get your phone, Connor ..."

- "Hello?"

 - "CONNOR! RK900 IS HERE !!"




-" OK.... OH MY GOD!!!!!"

Rk900 destroyed the door and took me out of the closet.

I let go of my phone.

Rk900 throws me to the ground, and tries to strangle me.

Detroit Become Human: Connor x OCWhere stories live. Discover now