The bee

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Relationship status: more than one year together

Rye's POV.
We were in London performing. We were all fooling around as we usually did. Right, when the music started for our fourth song, I noticed a bee. It was just flying around, in front of Andy. Fear struck me as I remembered that Andy is allergic(idk made it up). So I went over to him, I had to start singing my part, so I couldn't explain why I was acting weird. I placed myself in between Andy and the bee. This meant I was standing directly in front of him.

"Babe, what are you doing?" He said as I started backing up, pushing him back.

He didn't want to move. So I quickly said, "bee".  But he didn't here, or at least he didn't.

"Babe stop pushing me!" He whined.

I shook my head and gestured towards the bee, which he didn't see. He just rolled his eyes trying to move past me; I shifted again as I tried to point towards the bee.

"Bee," was all I said louder between the lyrics.

"Be what? Babe?" Andy asked not understanding at all. "Why are you pushing me?"

Here came Jack.

"Dude why are you blocking him?" He was talking into the mic.

My part wasn't over, but that didn't matter. I broke off mid-lyric, half screaming into the mic.

"The bee could kill him because he is bloody allergic!" Andy finally understood and willingly moved to the other side of the stage.

"Oh my god, I had no idea," Jack said.

"Thank you Rye; I didn't even notice!" Andy said and kissed my cheek, making me smile.

I signal for the music to be turned off.

"Sorry guys," I say to the crowd. "Andy is allergic to bees, and there is currently one on the stage. And I guess I'm a bit overprotective. Or maybe I'm not because it could kill him." I say this pointing at the bee.

There was a lot of "OMG so adorable","Awwww" and "I can't, so cute".

I quickly smiled at the crowd before I go to try to kill that bee. The other guys are helping, besides Andy. I head for the part of the stage where I last saw it.

Suddenly I felt it sting painfully on my forearm, a cry of pain left my lips before I could register it. I smacked my arm where the bee had stung me, killing it in the process.


Andy's POV.
I felt terrified standing there I could die if I was stung. But my boyfriend had made sure that I wasn't stung. God, he's perfect. At the moment no one knew where it was and everyone besides me was looking.

Then I heard the sound I hated most in the world. I cry of pain coming from Rye, my Rye. I ran over to him to see a dead bee on his forearm. He quickly brushed it to the ground.

Rye was cursing under his breath, he then smiled at me.

"Got it." I hugged him tightly and kissed his neck slowly.

"You okay Rye?" I ask into his neck.

"Yeah, better me than you." His cuteness was killing me.

Just because I had to be adorable too, I grabbed his arm and kissed it where he was stung; I know cliche. The was a loud "awww" from the crowd. Rye laughed and threw his arm around me.

"Yeah, yeah, the show must go on," Rye said into the mic before kissing me.

Thank you for reading! Leave suggestions in the comments, please.

Does anyone know the names of Rye's parents? I need it for a later chapter; please comment if you know. Same with Andy's parents.


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