I still love the way...

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Feel free to listen to something about you on repeat.

Relationship status: had a fake relationship for two months, two years ago

There was no denying Andy's mum was picky. Not with food or clothes, only when it came to who her son was going to date. The funny thing was that Andy had been terrified - willing to jump in front of a train to get out of it - of coming out to her. Not that he thought her reaction would be bad, but it had been very hard too. Because when he did, she didn't believe him. He tried once at 16, then at 18, but she always thought he was too young to know. However, at 19, he told her.

"Mum, I'm gay," he could already sense her retort coming.

"Andy, dear, I just think-"

"I have a boyfriend."

That had been the end of one problem and the beginning of another since she wanted to meet him. Maybe it doesn't seem like a huge problem - like, just bring the guy out - if the point is to show her that your serious he doesn't have to be perfect. Still, the issue was that it was all bullshit. Andy didn't have a boyfriend, never had - at least not one he would want to take home.

So the nineteen-year-old asked Ryan, a brunet in one of his classes, to pretend for a couple of weeks in exchange for help before midterms(Andy had loved this because he already knew he would get an A).

Rye had won Andy's mother's heart as he walked through the door. Andy had no clue how.

His mother couldn't put her finger on it either, there was just something, something about Rye.

Andy didn't see the way Rye looked at him as he held the door open for him. The blond was too nervous to notice Rye talking to his mother about the most mundane things, and asking her questions. Or just Rye's smile. His mother didn't miss a single thing, though.

If they were honest with themselves, they both fell hard during the two months, but they were to caught up in the lie that they couldn't see the other starring at them. So as promised, their relationship ended after 61 days.

"Hey, Andy."

"Yeah, Rye," the older is slightly unnerved by the caution in Rye's voice.

"I have something very selfish to ask, so I'm just gonna say it. I was wondering if you could tell your mother that you broke up with me- I mean it would make more sense, so you don't have to act all heartbroken. But I just don't want her to hate me..."

It was over, not only their false romantic relationship (that really wasn't all that fake) but also a friendship. They didn't talk after a couple weeks, it was just too weird.

Andy's mother saw her son break, even though he said he ended it. He forced a smile(to convince both her and himself) and moved on.

She didn't.

Andy dives into relationship after relationship, trying to forget about how gentle Rye was. Almost succeeding in forgetting his feeling for the man who would listen to him banter for hours into the morning.

She didn't even come close to forgetting.

She is never really happy with the guys Andy brought home, they were measured against very high standards. So they all fell short. Yet, she tried to not make to much fuss about it and always found something positive to say about them. Still, they'll never be as perfect as angel Rye. Who she doesn't mention much, only when she sees an old picture or is reminded of their time together. Oh, he was a gift wasn't he? Or that boy always made me smile. These comments would more often than not leave Andy with a lump in his throat.


Andy ended an especially rocky relationship about two years after he and Rye "broke it off". That week he hears Rye's name again.

"Andy?" His mother just came home evident by the loud slamming of the front door(a very bad habit of you asked Andy).

"Yeah, mum." He looks up from his essay hoping there's a good reason for his mother to interrupt his period of neglect for his feelings.

"I just wanted to chat," she says as she entered the living room.


Andy didn't like being rude but he really wasn't in the mood to talk.

"I bumped into Rye today, at the supermarket." There's obvious longing in her voice, that Andy chose to ignore.


"I just thought that maybe you guys would try again. Don't worry, I didn't say anything to him." This only calms Andy a bit(a very tiny wave of relief). "It's just that you both seemed so happy together, and I'm selfish I'll admit, I always liked him. I'm sorry it's not my place to say this, but I haven't seen you as hung up on anyone after him."

Andy just stays silent. Starring at her, absolutely stunned. His mouth opening as he tries to find words to respond with, but nothing comes out.

"I'm sorry, I just think you deserve to find someone who looks at you the way he did. Someone who makes the world a brighter place. There was just something special about him, I hope you know that."

She smiles rather embarrassed and moves to the stairs. Leaving Andy to try to understand their interaction.

I hope you liked this one-shot! I gotta say I love dynamite 🧨 it's just too good.

K, bye,

Jo xx

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