Waste it on me

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Kinda forcefully Brook had dragged Andy out of his room. Andy had been working every single day for the past month, greatly displeasing Brook. Brook knew that even as busy as the young prince was, Andy was diving into work, way more than needed; away from his personal life. Andy would go to bed after finishing his obligations like he wanted to avoid living his life.

A couple of months ago Andy had acted more like the young man he was; going out with friends and sleeping in late. He had kept his public figure secure by staying under the radar and avoiding the wildest scenes. Instead, the prince would go to the beach in the middle of the night to play his guitar and just think. Brook had seen him flourish and grow, now all he saw was someone desperately depressed who didn't acknowledge it himself. The guitar he would play every day was collecting dust hanging beside his others; those guitars he only played a couple times a month. The ones that weren't his beloved baby.

Brook knew why Andy was acting like this(at least he thought he did); however, he would have thought it would have passed by now. Brook had only late realised how real his friend's heartbreak was. The pain never really left his eyes.

During the summer Andy had met Rye. A boy, who was slightly younger than him. They had met at a beach bar, it happened to be karaoke night. Rye seeing the somewhat dishevelled Andy sitting alone at the bar had gone up to him challenging him to a sing-off. It had been an interesting way to cheer him up, to say the least, but it worked.

As surprising as it was Rye wasn't the man who caused the apparent heartbreak. It had been another man, a blond with a charming smile and dimples. Andy and Rye had only spent that night together. On the beach in the early morning still very drunk, they hadn't shared more than a couple kisses.

Nonetheless, when Andy let his mind wander from his work, he didn't ponder much over the six months spent with that cheating fucker. He knew this what he should be upset about it, but he couldn't get himself to. He had known from the beginning that it was wrong. All Andy had needed was a distraction from the boy who his mind would return to without fault; as if he was set as the default homepage in his mind. His memory would linger on how the brunet's skin had looked as the sun rose, quickly, too quickly. His brown eyes showing specks of stolen sunlight as they looked back at Andy's, the intense stare that only broke when the space between them closed. His mind was questioning why they hadn't gotten more time together. Those few stolen hours before Andy had to return to reality.

The club, which Brook was currently dragging Andy to, was hosting an event tonight not that Andy cared to listen to what brook was saying. All he wanted was to stay in his room and work until he would fall asleep. In the last couple of months, the air to the throne had understood how true it was when teachers said that there was always room for improvement. He had overworked every little part of his tasks.

"Andy! There's not gonna be press, just some relatively unknown people performing. Just shut up and enjoy this time outside of your room!" Andy looked over at his friend, shocked at this outburst, he wasn't expecting such a reaction for quietly groaning and complaining, a bit. Well, a lot. He hated knowing that he was burdening Brook.

"Sorry, Brooky. I'll try, for you," the younger nodded and silenced.

Brook was Andy's best friend since before he could remember; they had just always been the best of friends. Still, Brook didn't know the truth of why Andy had been acting like this for the last couple of months. He assumed the break up had pushed him into a depressed period of his life, but he didn't know that this wasn't entirely true. Sure the break up was part of it, but not for the reasons Brook would have thought. Andy had used the blond in the same way he had used Andy, a distraction, an easy fuck. Still, when it ended, the prince was alone with his thoughts again. Just like when Andy accidentally set that shitty dog blog as his homepage, he would always return to it.


Hours later and his mind was not quite there anymore. He had too much to drink for hardly eating. He was still standing, well, technically dancing, he was dancing to the beat of the song pressed against too many people.

Nonetheless, drunk him didn't care. Sometimes he would dance with people that just like him would have trouble remembering this tomorrow. Other times he would just let the music move him to another state of being.

Unlike some people, Andy knew he was drunk, tomorrow he might care, but at that moment on the dance floor, he didn't.

"Hey, Andy," he felt a surge at the call, the voice he knew but still couldn't believe he heard again. Slightly out of balance, he turned around looking for the source of the voice. Before him stood the man, he was desperate to forget. He wanted nothing more than to disappear if they were to reunite he didn't want to be the intoxicated mess he was at that moment.

"Rye," he managed to get out. It sounded like he was exhaling his name after holding his breath for too long and that's the way it felt.

Sober Andy hated to admit it, but drunk Andy was an honest Andy. He hated that the clean filter that kept him safe - that had been nurtured to perfection by countless teachers and advisors who knew that a prince needed to keep themselves in their skins - always left when he was the least bit tipsy.

"You're drunk."

"Well something has to get my mind off you," Andy didn't want to think much of what he said it caused him to worry. Yet again drunk Andy was a different one; being more straight to the point with others and himself, he knew he didn't want to think about it, so he didn't.

Rye was tipsy too, but by the looks of it not enough to dampen the shock of that statement. They had only met once, even if it was the most magical night of each of their lives, it was just one night.

"Why do you need to get your mind off me?"

Rye hated to admit it, but he had also missed the man after they had to part ways at dusk. He could still hear Andy's laugh if he thought about him. Even if he just let his mind slip for a couple of seconds, where he was. Although, he had always thought of this like Andy wouldn't. For sure Andy wouldn't waste his time by thinking about a guy who he sang karaoke with for one night then never saw again.

Rye stood barely two feet away from the prince, but even for the strangers, they were he wanted to come closer. Still, he wasn't as far gone as Andy, but the liquid courage definitely helps; so he does, he moves closer. It definitely already had, sober him would never have dared walk up to an almost stranger and start this bold of a conversation.

"Because I only met you once and still your face is imprinted permanently in my mind," the blond spoke rather softly, now that Rye was close enough even over the music. "And my mother saw my last relationship and now says that I should stop wasting my time, it's just that it feels different with you."

"Oh Andy, I can't tell you if this is right or if it's just a waste of your time. All I can ask is, am I worth wasting your time on?" Rye had never been this way before, and he knew that it was the lighting of the corner they were in, the alcohol running through his veins as well as the blond beauty in front of him bringing it out.

"Yeah, you are," Andy says breathlessly as Rye steps even closer. Andy knew he would be scolded for this later, his parents had been so proud over him the last month. The dedication to his work had been very well received, as he was told. Yet, here Rye was, along with the world, they were telling him that it didn't fucking matter what his parents said.

"So waste it on me," that's the last thing that left Rye's lips before they connected with Andy's.

So I've had this idea for a while and it came out a bit different to what I first imagined, but I hope you liked it. I love this song and it kinda got me more into kpop again so that's great. Please let me know if there are any mistakes that I missed, thank you. Also huge thank you for 33k reads, that's so crazy!!

Lots of love,

Jo xx

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