The old days

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Relationship status: friends/bandmates

Third POV.
Andy had been touched about what Rye had stated. About how they started off the house in a place they knew, next to each other, falling asleep hand in hand didn't make it easier to accept that they're drifting apart, Andy knew he hadn't meant what Andy felt for it.

So when Andy was done moving everything he had into his room, decided on placement and constructed some of his new furniture(with the help of Jack, obviously); he felt an odd sense of losing something significant.

Andy sat down on his brand new bed thinking about what he was feeling and didn't realise how the hours ticked by. Breaking off only when Rye came in, to tell him pizza was ready.

"Hey, Andy!" He spoke before going to inform Andy quickly about dinner before stopping as he saw his blond friend on the large bed. Andy was just sitting there staring off into space.

"Rye..." Rye's voice woke some thoughts, clarity being bestowed on the older man.

"Are you okay?" Rye spoke rather quietly stepping closer to Andy.

"I have this weird feeling, could we talk for a sec? I think I figured it out, at least a bit." Rye's expression of worry only got more urgent as he sat down on the bed. Andy took the younger boy's hand in his considerably smaller one.

The blond was still leaving his little bubble, the bubble filled with worry, but also excitement for the future. He was yet a whirlpool of thoughts that lead him down alleys and ultimately dead ends - at least most of them.

"How far have we come?" He asked Rye who wasn't expecting this question - like, not at all, not even after all the crazy things they had done together.

"Uh, quite far I believe?" He asks unsure of what his friend meant by the question.

They had moved into this huge house, toured the UK and Europe. The brunet thought they had done quite well considering where they started; just the two of them and Blair.

"Sure, but at what cost? I mean we started off just the pair of us in Blair's flat all those years ago. We would either sleep on the same couch or on mattresses on the floor. We were so close both physically and mentally." Andy paused for a couple of seconds before continuing, "now there's five of us, a band I love and believe in. But what have the two of us become? We are now in different rooms that are as far as possible away from each other in this house. My fault as I won this room, and I suggested you take the largest." Andy was smiling at the memory - only a couple days ago - yet, not as fondly as he would over those moments in the tiny flat where every single day was uncertain and full of laughter.

"What are you saying Fovvs?" Rye questioned getting lost in all these words. Even though their history was something, he himself had remembered only seconds before.

"We have been together the longest, we care for the others as we are the oldest. I guess-... I guess I just wanted to thank you for being my best friend and supporting me every step of the way, this has always been my dream."

"No. Thank you, Andy. I don't know where I would be without you, absolutely no fucking clue," Rye said with tears threatening to fall out of his eyes, the bright eyes shining more than usual."I guess I'm saying that I miss the old days when we were inseparable." Andy paused again to look over at his beloved bandmate and gently squeeze his hand twice. "I miss them because everything was ahead of us. We appreciated every tiny thing because we only had each other." He then added, with a light chuckle - that sent mixed messages to Rye who also saw the tears slipping down Andy's cheeks - after a second, "and Blair of course."

"I'm sorry if I don't show it, but I appreciate you so much, you make every day brighter. I miss those days when we could decide who we would be. Who we are now. I still love you, the way I did and more. I don't tell you enough, we don't talk like we used to and I miss that most of all," Rye answered quietly, and the tears slowly started falling as he pulled Andy closer.

If it had been anyone else he would have been worried that they could feel his heart beating at - what felt like - the speed of light, but this was Andy. His Andy. Who he had known for years. Maybe Rye didn't want to admit that his heart wouldn't beat like this for anyone else.

"I love you too, more than anything," Andy whispered as his own tears continued to fall. These few words could mean so much, and to them it suggested everything. From each side of the scale to the other.

The blond finally knew why he had been so down the last couple of months, he had felt Rye disappearing. They had fall outs before, due to fights but they had gotten over it. This was worse, it wasn't abrupt. It was slow. Painful, even; because neither of them knew why.

They didn't spend as much time together anymore, although, Andy still didn't know why they didn't. Was it because everyone thought they were together or was the new opportunities getting to them? Was anything going to change? More than they already had?Still, in each other's arms, they lay down. Andy could swear a bed never had felt this much like home before.

"Why don't we spend time together as we used to?" Andy murmured to Rye, his voice almost choking on the tears and the heavy feeling in his throat. His damned himself, he needed to be able to speak, it was just Rye. However, Rye wasn't "just" anything.

"Maybe- maybe we took it for granted for so long that we stopped working for it, but I want to," they lay still for a moment longer just staying in each other's presence not wanting to waste the other.

Andy - with his wet face laying on Rye's shirt that was serving as collection point at that moment - was slightly taken aback by this sincere reply. Nonetheless, he was mostly relieved.

"Me too."

Soon their moment would be broken by Brook kicking the door and telling them to "get their butts downstairs!" Until then they didn't move. Even though they had spoken - in a way they hadn't for years - uncertainty still hung in the air. What would come next? How would they save this sinking ship?

All they knew was that they had to.

Hey, thank you for reading this os, I really hoped you liked it. I started writing this when they first moved in(so a while back). Any suggestions?

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