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Relationship status: strangers


Andy's Pov
Of course, the underground messed up and the whole day's schedule. Just. Fucking. Amazing. So at the moment, I was pressed up against total strangers from all directions. Always new people as everything shifted when people squeezed off and new people pressed themselves on the already overpacked train. Just like everyone else I had started by the doors the been pushed further and further back into the back of the train. At this point, I thought that I might just give up and go home. However, I wasn't sure I could get off the underground anytime soon.

The train stopped again, and I was pushed off towards a wall when people started pressing to leave, I would say that I had successfully crossed the width of the train only being crushed a few hundred times. I soon found myself face to face with a boy with gorgeous dark locks and eyes that were the definition of beautiful. Moreover, I had to say that there was something special about this boy but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. And if it wasn't for the heavily loaded underground, I may never have been this close to him.

He smiled at me, I returned it with a somewhat embarrassed one. Seeing as I had starred at him, and the fact that we were so tightly pressed together that we had to take turns breathing. His back was up against the wall while mine was under a lot of pressure from the people surrounding us.

Our eyes would occasionally meet, making my heart pound so loudly that I was afraid he would hear it. Or considering how close we were, maybe even feel it pounding in my chest. Smiling awkwardly at each other when we were pressed closer together or when either of us caught the other one starring.

Suddenly, a massive wave of people was replaced. But in that short period of time that I lost that pressure around me - the weight I depended on to keep my balance as this boy made me weak in my knees - I lost my balance, stumbling backwards. Two arms caught me helping me find my balance again before we again were pushed together. This time the boy had his arms around me, but I didn't mind the slightest; he was unable to move then seeing as people were pressing on us like they were trying to see how close we possibly could get.

"Thank you," I say not wanting to be stuck in awkward silence when he had his arms wrapped around me. But God, he smells like my dreams.

Jesus! Andy, get it together.

"Don't worry about it, sorry I can't really move my arms," he says apologetically. "I'm Ryan by the way."

"It's fine, and I'm Andy."

"We did this a bit backwards, don't you think? I didn't know your name before you had me pushed up against the wall." I giggle at his cheeky comment.

"So you like being pushed up against walls do you? You seem very protective of how it should be done," I retort smiling smugly.

"Wow," he rolled his eyes. "Someone is sassy."

"So tell me, oh great master of walls, what should have been the next step before I could push you up against a wall?" I say confirming what he said earlier.

At this point, I realise that we just passed my stop. Although I don't care because of this gorgeous man in front of me as well as all the people who would have stopped me from going to school, I'll just call in sick. So I just decide to stay on board and see where the train and conversation will take me.

"Oh well, let's see. Names, check! Quick small talk, check! I believe the next step would be a date." I raise my eyebrows, is he cheeky or is he asking me out, while being cheeky?

"Where and when would this step take place?" I ask, please be real.

"How about... tomorrow night, at half-past seven at 'The Rose'?" He says after thinking quickly.

I like how bold this boy is.

"Sounds lovely, and after that what would be the next step to 'walls'?"

Yet again we're pushed closer together as new people push themselves onto the already packed train. This meant his arms were forced into me giving the two of us even less space to have our conversation.

"We would just have to see what happens, after that it's really open for suggestions."

"Well I have a couple of suggestions, but I think I'll leave them for dinner tomorrow." He smirked at my comment.

"So can I assume that I'll see you there tomorrow evening?" He speaks softly looking down at me, a hint of seriousness in his voice.

"Well I'll be there, the question is, can I assume you'll be there?"

"Of course, I have to make sure every step is executed properly. And I'm a total sucker for blonds." He whispers the last part next to my ear before quickly nipping at it, making me giggle softly. Hopefully, there will be more of that in the future.


I had just arrived at The Rose. The boy had good taste, this was one of my favourite Italian restaurants. It was small and cosy, so I had dressed in plain blue jeans and a long-sleeved blue tee, hoping I wasn't over or underdressed. But it was well suited to the weather, the sun golden in the sky, as it was dipping further to the horizon, with few clouds.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder, and I turned around to see who had wanted my attention. It was my date, Ryan. He was looking so fit in blue jeans with two white stripes on each side along with a white hoodie with some flag that I didn't pay attention to. I wanted to take him right there and then but I controlled these thoughts.

"Hey," I smiled over warmly at him.

"Hi, you alright?" He asked in his angelic voice.

"I'm great. How are you?" I say after I take in his beauty.

"Amazing now that I'm here with you," he smiled like he knew how cheesy that was, but he didn't care; and neither did I.
Sorry, I was shorter than usual, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

Thank you, everyone, who commented on the last chapter it really means a lot!!

Lots of love,


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