Christmas Party

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Relationship status: strangers

Andy's POV.
I had no idea what I was doing here. I was just another a lost eighteen-year-old who was dragged to another party by my best mate, this one happens to be a holiday party. I don't know a lot of people, some were in my classes, but I don't speak to them a whole lot. I was just the nerd of the grade. Quietly studying hard talking to few, even fewer outside my close circle. If people noticed me, they must have been surprised to see me here, not that my friends were like me when it came to studying. Usually, I wasn't noticed.

Brook had left me alone to find his boyfriend, Jack, leaving me. Alone, all I wanted to do was to disappear from the face of the earth. I hated sitting here alone, I felt like I looked stupid. Thankfully, I got a text reminding me that I could always dive my face into my phone, as to not look so alone.

Baby Brook: Jack says he wants you to meet someone 😉 we'll help you find him when we're done

Looking at the message I knew what they were up to immediately, but I also knew asking would be more fun for me. As well as I wasn't sure I wanted Jack to hook me up with someone. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy. He's perfect for Brook and a great friend, but his friends are pretty wild.

Fovvs: Done with what? 😏

And I'm not sure I can go along with Jack setting me up with someone, you know how I'm perceived by the other students. 😬

However, I knew whatever I said I was going to be set up with a guy tonight whether we liked it or not. I did not get a reply, confirming my suspicions about their activities.

I put my phone because even if I was bored, I just felt more depressed staring at a screen. So instead I got up moving to get a drink in the kitchen if I was walking, people would think of me as that lonely guy who was ditched by his mates, who were going off to fuck upstairs. Maybe if I drank enough, I could be put out off my misery.

Suddenly I was on the floor wondering how the hell I got there, I had been quite sure I had been in the doorway to the kitchen only seconds ago. It had felt like I had walked into a wall.

"I'm so sorry, I should have watched where I was going, sorry," coming back to reality I looked up and the brick wall I had walked into. The wall appeared to be a guy my age. He was now stretching out a hand, I grasped it quickly so he could pull me up from the floor.

The boy had brown hair paired with brown eyes, he seemed like the exact person I was supposed to avoid. His build suggesting that he was an athlete.

At least it was as embarrassing as actually walking into a wall, but looking at him it was close.

"No I'm fine just surprised, and I too should have been looking." He returned this with a soft smile forming on his beautiful sculpted face before one of his mates spoke up.

"Rye, I know you're lost in his eyes, I'm sure I'll be hearing all about it later, but you're under the mistletoe. You know what that means," I looked behind him to see Mikey, a guy in my Maths class. He wasn't much of an athlete, but I know he plays football occasionally.

I prepared to see a look of disgust on Rye's face, but I never did. All I saw was a cheeky smile.

"Is that okay?" Rye asked his soft expression changing ever so slightly. Feeling him making sure I was Okay was the best feeling.

So I didn't hesitate and pulled him into a soft slow kiss. It was nothing over the top, just a slow closed kiss. It only lasted five seconds or so, but what those five seconds became was terrific.

Letting go, I saw his eyes fluttering open slowly still smiling.


Brook and Jack weren't anywhere to be seen, I was going to smack them when the came back for leaving me for so long.

After the kiss of a lifetime, I had moved to get a drink, which went down quickly. So I was now sitting again on the couch, feeling even more lonely than before.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself," I heard a slightly familiar voice saying as I felt the couch dip beside me. It was him, Rye, the boy who I only had a momentary encounter with but still made me feel more than I ever had before.

"Yeah the time of my life, my friends ditched me," I say looking over at him as he smiles as he is enjoying my pain but is trying and failing to cover it up.

"I feel for you my friends always do that to me, I think Mikey is hooking up with someone right now," we both giggled at this. "My friend said they were going to hook me up with someone, I don't know how I feel it. He didn't really let me say know."

"You're kidding," I laughed because this was exactly what Brook had done to me earlier. "My friend said the same.


We had continued talking for a good half hour just getting to know each other and talking about our ridiculous friends before Jack came up us. I don't think he noticed me at first.

"Rye, so the guy- Oh, sweet," He has noticed me sitting cross-legged facing Rye. "You obviously didn't need my help getting together."

I looked at Jack, then a Rye. Only to see him turning towards me at the same exact moment. Understanding forming on both of our faces. It was so obvious, thinking about it now. We had both been told, by Jack and Brook, that we were going to get set up with a guy tonight.

So Jack was trying to hook me up with Rye, I had judged him all wrong. Excellent choice. Now I didn't have to worry myself attaching myself to a straight boy, I now knew Rye must be queer if Jack was to set us up. At first, I thought he must have been so casual about it as he was secure in his sexuality. It seemed I had been dead wrong. Usually, I hated being wrong, this time I didn't mind.

Hope you enjoyed this extra Christmas one-shot, I celebrated yesterday but I just finished it. I'm unsure if I will have wifi during the break, but if not, I will continue writing and release them in bulk after.

Lots of love and happy holidays,

Jo xx

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