the day bleeds into nightfall.

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Relationship status: [Andy - Single][Rye - complicated]


Shivers went up his naked feet, through his legs as goosebumps spread all over his skin. The mild April weather did nothing to help the wooden floors to warm up even a little. The chill didn't make the blond with red tear-stained cheeks feel any better. The darkness seemed to be watching him tread carefully down the hallway, like it always after a night like tonight. A night where he was reminded of his treacherous past, leaving him on high alert. Letting out shacky breathes, the kind he was trying to prevent. Perhaps in an attempt to seem more collected - like the solid black was actually observing him.

Andy finally reached the other side of the corridor, along with a small floor lamp that had led him to the door. The only light in the dark. With his slightly clammy hands, he pushed Rye's door open, just enough to let him through. The blond made his way over to the ladder leading up to the platform, taking a deep breath before he started his assent. He had climbed it plenty of times, yet, never in the dark. For one, it had been a while since he had needed Rye like this. Secondly, Rye didn't usually pull his curtains closed fully like he had tonight, an odd habit to break. It forced Andy to find comfort in the slim light source from the crack of the door.

Even though he was sweaty and shaken from his horrid dreams - memories that were as fresh in his mind as the day everything happened - he managed to get to the top all in one piece. Allowing Andy to draw a deep breath, he knew he was close to comfort now. Yet, what his eyes found was so far from it.

In the barely there dim light, he could see that there was already another figure beside Rye - it definitely wasn't one of the boys, the frame was too small to be. Andy would never like to admit how he felt his heart shatter at the sight. He closed his eyes over the tears that threatened to fall, the second time that night.

The blond would instead claim - as if anyone would know - that he just didn't want to go back down the ladder again. That wouldn't be a complete lie, as the thought of going down a second time did scare him, but he did feel it more in-depth than that.

Somehow the wooden floor seemed even colder now. Like it wanted Andy to feel his own despair on his skin. The bright side of this whole situation that, he told himself, was that his previous thoughts of his nightmare were lost - almost. Because the downside of seeing that bright side was that he was now thinking about that again.

He knew his bed would be colder than before. So he didn't return.


Almost two hours ago, Andy watched the girl make her way downstairs. Andy hated how pretty she was, with her blond - clearly dyed(just like his) - hair and perfectly sculpted face. Even in her supermarket attire, he thought the stranger must be on her way to work. She had stopped dead in her tracks, seeing Andy sitting in the kitchen. He had given her a small wave, a soft smile, and pretended to zip his lips together. Returning his greeting, looking relieved, before she left.

Once she left, he had been left to his uninterrupted thoughts yet again. He was now also considering going back upstairs to Rye, however, after what he saw the idea wasn't as tempting as it would have been before.

And there Andy had sat, alone, until someone made their way downstairs. It was Rye. The familiar warmth did fill Andy, but for one reason or another, he had been hoping to avoid him for another couple hours.

He seemed a bit dazed as if he had come downstairs as soon as he had woken up. He didn't stop by the kitchen but just headed to towards the door. Andy heard the door open, he guessed Rye was looking for his mystery lady. The click of the lock and footsteps back towards the blond - or rather the kitchen.

"She left almost two hours ago," he said once Rye entered the kitchen. "To work, by the looks of her clothes."

"Wha-at?" Rye's face went white.

Rye's question annoyed Andy, did he really think he could go completely unnoticed. Well, it had been hard to notice, the second to last step of the stairs had a habit of creaking. (All the inhabitants of the house had started to jump this step, in favour of letting others sleep.)

"Don't worry, I won't say anything, I kinda already told her I wouldn't anyway," Andy rolls his eyes before they return to the page of doodles and rough lyrics in front of him. He had spent his time trying to be productive, alas nothing worthwhile came out.

"You spoke to her?" The slight quiver made it evident that he was scared, the blond couldn't possibly understand what he had to be scared of, Andy just told him he wouldn't say anything. Again, he didn't know why that would be a bad thing. They were all allowed to date and do whatever they wanted pretty much.

"No, actually I was just sitting here when she came downstairs, she seemed to understand it though," Andy repeated the zipping motion for Rye to see.

"Then how are you sure that she came from my room?"

Andy thought that this might have been a good question if they hadn't just had the conversation that they had.

"Well, if this conversation didn't make it obvious enough, Mikey is ace, Jack didn't come downstairs looking for her, and she wasn't in Brook's bed." The hurt that the blond was working so hard to keep from his voice was slipping in a bit. He was praying that the other man wouldn't notice.

"Why do you know she was in my bed, my bed is quite high up. You would have to be very intentional about seeing anything!" Rye was becoming defensive, and Andy had fallen for it - letting his emotions rile them both up. He should just have kept his damn mouth shut.

"Sorry, you're right," Andy hated to admit what he would call weakness. "I'm sorry."

The blue eyes trained on the piece of paper in front of him once again. Trying to swallow the tears and forget the harsh tone Rye had used.

"What were you doing in my room?" They had kept quiet, in favour of not waking anyone, until Rye's question. His voice raised in a way Andy had never been the victim of.

In Andy's eyes, the whole thing had blown out of proportion. He suspected that his lack of sleep and his slip up regarding the pretty blond had caused everything. The older didn't like to be the cause of trouble and often did everything possible to be no trouble. The shame he felt was overwhelming, all he had wanted to do was to tease Rye a bit. Maybe, he had tried to make himself feel a bit better by acting as if he couldn't care less. The truth is that Andy could care a whole lot less.

"What do you think I wanted in the middle of the night? To creep on you?"

"No of course not!" His face suddenly went from solid defence to sudden understanding. "Was it him, Andy? Fovvs?"

Andy only nodded, feeling somewhat drained. It had been a while since he had heard Rye raise his voice at anyone, let alone at him.

Relief flooded Andy as soon as Rye pulled him into his chest. A safe space. His safe space.

"Fovvs, I'm sorry. Have you slept since?" Again the blond only returned a non-verbal answer. "Come on, let's get some sleep."


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this one-shot. I'm working on pt.3 of More Than This, still needs more planning and work. Hopefully, I can publish it soon.

Happy [whatever you feel like/are celebrating(I'm just going to stuff my face)]

Jo xx

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