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*Includes a panic attack*
Relationship status: together

Rye's POV.
We were about halfway through our set when I started feeling like the walls were caving in. I felt like I was falling like I had no control. I had I was done singing this song so I tried to centre myself, I tried to calm down my breathing. Nothing was working, I was freezing, my legs didn't want to move the way I wanted them to.

At this point I was standing centre stage, facing the audience not moving whatsoever. I tried to smile and to make everyone think I was okay. I watched the other boys run around. But it felt like the distance between us was growing larger. Time seemed to slow down, while my heart pounded in my chest.

Andy looked over at me smiling when he saw me his smile was exchanged for a look of concern. I smile trying to look natural. But he saw right through it and in one second he was by my side. He was rubbing my back, "Hey, breath with me," he said trying to calm me down.

I tried to breathe at the same pace as him, but I couldn't. My heart felt like it was going to break my ribs and rip out of my chest. I shook my head.

"Please... it h-hurts," I say panicking more by the moment. Before I knew it my legs started going numb and I was on the floor.

After a while I felt more in control, I could breathe. Andy was helping so much before I knew him I was always alone dealing with my panic attacks.

I could see Andy, he was holding me talking calmly to me, my hand on his chest. I tried to look around the room, but I couldn't there were people everywhere. Nowhere I could see an exit. I shifted and struggled to see a way out. And everything went black.


Andy's POV.
I saw that he was struggling more and more. I tried to calm him down. And before I knew it he was falling backwards. I just managed to catch him before he hit the ground.

"Hey, hey. Baby, come back to me," I say panicking slightly.

I wanted to help him so badly that I hadn't focused on anything else. The crowd had gone silent along with the music.

I helped him into a sitting position. Tears were falling and I could tell that he was losing consciousness.

"Hey, breathe with me," I place his hand on my chest and I can feel his breathing slowing down. His eyes are focusing on mine.

Jack, Brook, Mikey and Blair all come to see how he's doing. They have surrounded us and I can tell this is freaking Rye out. I feel him slipping away again. He was trying to get loose, struggling to break free.

"Guys, he feels trapped. Back up," I said seeing if this would help. It didn't the tears keep falling but now he was clutching to me as I was his only hope. I kept trying to calm him down, to get him to look at me, anything. He stopped struggling and fell backwards.

I lifted him off me and moved to pick him up bridal style.

"Andy where are you going?" Blair asked.

"I'm going to move him off stage and lay him down where he can calm down," Blair nodded.

I carry him backstage and place him on a sofa.


Rye's POV.
I woke up with my head in someone's lap. I felt disoriented. I moved to try to understand where I was and I saw white walls and a seating area, I was lying down on one of the three sofas.

"How are you feeling babe?" I heard Andy say.

I turned to smile up at him, "so much better, I don't even know why I freaked out," I said. "I just remember how I felt like I was suffocating."

He leaned down and kissed me, it was a slow and sweet kiss. Once we broke apart he didn't open his eyes at once.

"Well, I'm happy you feel better, next time you feel like that please tell me. Or anyone."

I nodded, I felt so at peace. Just lying here with my baby.

"What about the show?" I say remembering the moments before my panic attack.

"Don't worry about it, they understand."

"But you could go and finish the show," I said knowing that I didn't have the energy to continue the show.

"No it's almost done and I'm not leaving you."

"I love you," I said again relaxing on his lap.

"I love you too," I felt him lean back on the sofa, his hands in my hair.

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed. Give me suggestions please.


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