one sugar, please.

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Relationship status: well he's cute, ain't he?

Andy had three types of orders, each for a different kind of day. For better or for worse. His favourite place to grab his drink - whether it be hot and sweeter or cold and bitter - he always got it at the cute coffee shop down the street from his tiny(he liked to call it charming) apartment. This happened to be the lovely shop where Rye worked as a barista(Andy's favourite barista, because he now knew all three of Andy's regulars).


May I please have a latte on soy milk, with three pumps of vanilla.

This drink was reserved for the days where Andy felt like shit, but he still tried to be polite to the(cute) barista behind the counter who he knew was dealing with a lot of shit customers. Andy was rational enough to understand that the world didn't revolve around him. Therefore, he should expect everything and everyone to stop what they're doing for him. Nonetheless, sympathy was appreciated, and the smile that the brunet barista flashed him, even more so.

The first time he ordered that drink was actually his first time in the coffee shop. After a fucking shit meeting, with his fucking joke of a boss, and - you guessed it - it not going any-fucking-where, he was done and needed some sugar to log his spirits.


"Hi," he smiled a brief - fake as shit - smile. "Can I have a latte, with soy milk - do you have soy?" A nod -" with like a billion pumps off vanilla, please. To go."

"Of course," the man in the apron looked around before - the shop was pretty much empty - going back to the blond customer. "Looks like you have a tough day, and since my boss isn't here, it's on the house." He pushed Andy's card down and smiled before moving to the espresso machine.

Andy thanked the man and stood back. After the shouting monologue his boss had decided to throw at Andy today, he was more than happy to have such a fine brown-eyed boy show him kindness.

When he finally went up to grab his drink, he was in much better spirits(which didn't say a lot considering where he started).

"Thank you so much, you just made my day a much better one."

"Happy to help." He returned the smile before moving to take care of the customer who just walked in, apparent since a bell just sounded through the air breaking their momentary eye contact.

It wasn't until later, just when he was about to throw the cheap paper cup away when he saw it. Something was written along the bottom of the cup.

Your real smile is way cuter
Rye xx


Oh hi again, could I have a hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate chips on top? To go, please.

These were for days when Andy himself was feeling fine, the only damper was the weather. Either raining, soggy, cold or just grey. (Snow doesn't count - Christmas drinks are different.)


His second visit to the cafe was on a day where it was pouring down outside. Sure, rain had its charm, but it was also the fucking worst if it got to the skin. That's when your teeth start chattering, and all you want is to take a hot shower, change into comfy clothes, only to curl up in your bed. Well, Andy wishes he could. Alas, he was to go home, grab his laptop, and head off to the office after what had been three hours of wasted time. No time for any of that.

"Well, you look soaked," came the cheerful voice from behind the counter.

"Thanks, I try."

He orders - actually paying this time as there are people around today.

Also, since people are waiting, Rye(not that Andy liked to think about the young barista, his name didn't make Andy smile or anything like that - no) wasn't waiting for him to pick the drink up. Rather making another for a less significant customer(well at least if you asked Rye).

This time Andy checked immediately at the bottom of the cup to see if there was a message at the bottom of the cup. Even though he was soaked to the bone, (considering to call in sick for the remainder of the day) he felt a warmth spread through his stomach. Just something about it made Andy smile wider as he thought about it.

Always happy to see that smile ;)
Rye xx


Can I have a large cup of green tea with one sugar, please?

This drink really wasn't for anything special. Just the daily pick-me-up. After or before work, either was fine. The blond just enjoyed it, not everything needed a reason. So this was his most common go-to.

It was also Rye's favourite to make, not only because it was the easiest to make, but it just meant that Andy was happy.


"Already smiling, I see, must be tea." The usual smile and head tilt that was as hot as the coffee he made.

"Yes, please."

That day they didn't say much and Andy left after exchanged smiles, a wink, and their hands touching ever so briefly.

Cutie xx


After a year and a half, the notes had changed.

On the bottom of the cup with the latte in it, he found variations of:
We'll kill your boss together babe. Love you xx

Keep in there, cuddling and movies later xx

On his hot chocolate:
I'd say to warm up by the fireplace, but I'm hotter so come closer >.<

This chocolate isn't the only thing that is hotter than hell. Daaaamn

Most commonly, he found these types of notes on his tea:
Well, hello stranger xx

See you tonight love <3

As much as the blond had enjoyed the flirting on the cups when it was written by the hot brunet barista, the notes from his boyfriend were way better. If he could say so himself. Everything was just better, the vanilla made his day much better when it came with the promise of killing his boss. The hot chocolate made him warmer when they came with the cheesiest pick-up line in history. And when it came with the right smile, his everyday drink was a thousand times tastier.

Different but I hope you liked it, reading through tomorrow sorry it was rushed

Night night,

Jo xx

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