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You and Ethan stepped into the busy convention building, looking around eagerly. There were lots of things you could do- tons of booths for new games or to meet people, doors leading to signing rooms and stages, and you could see a couple video game tournaments in the very back.

You looked back at Ethan, who was grinning at you. "Are you ready?"

You grabbed his hand, squeezing it slightly. "Ready."

Ethan led you to a booth near the middle of the room. It was a bit larger than the booths around it, mainly because tons of different kinds of merch was being sold there. One other guy was standi g tjere, and Ethan let go of you so he could hug the man.

"Brian, good to see you!" Ethan said as the two embraced.

"You too, Ethan." They pulled away, and Brian looked over to you. "And who's this?"

You walked up, holding our your hand. "(Y/n). Just (Y/n)."

Brian smiled, shaking your hand. "Well, 'Just (Y/n). I'm Brian. It's nice to meet you. Ethan told me a little about you."

You looked at Ethan as the two of you pulled your hands away from each other's grasp. "Did he now?"

Brian grinned. "Yep. And you seem as cool as he made you sound." He turned back to Ethan. "So. You ready for an action-packed weekend?"

Ethan grinned back, nodding. "So ready. I've been waiting since last year for this to happen."

Brian laughed. "Of course." He turned back to you. "So, (Y/n). Ethan and I have a signing to do in about fifteen minutes. You're welcome to wait here if you want. Or you can walk around the floor and see if there's anything you like. There's a lot of things here that might catch your interest-"

"Actually, Brian." Ethan cut him off. "I was actually wondering if she could come with. You see... she came here to be with me. And I want it to stay that way. At least for now, that is. She still needs to learn her way around. This is her first year here."

Brian nodded. "That's perfectly fine with me. As long as she has an all-access pass." You held up the badge around your neck, and he nodded. "Good. Then let's go."

The two guys led you through the convention floor and to double doors at the back, leading to almost a backstage area for people who had signings. The three of you didn't have to wait long for security to escort you into a large room full of people. You made your way to the table and sat down- Brian was the closest to the beginning of the line, then it was Ethan, then you.

The people instantly began moving through. There was a wide array of people- boys and girls, women and men, all between the ages of early teens and mid to late twenties. A lot of them brought gifts for either Brian or Ethan, and they all had at least one thing for them to sign. Ethan answered any and all questions you had about the signing as best as he could while talking to his fans.

It wasn't long before a teenage girl came up to you and Ethan. She was in her teens, no older than eighteen. She had brown hair and eyes and wore a simple but pretty sundress. On her head was a rainbow flower crown, and each of her wrists had multiple bracelets on them, a couple decorated with rainbow colors. She was carrying a picture for Ethan to sign, a slightly larger copy of it in a picture frame, and a homemade plushie of Gizmo.

She smiled at Ethan. "Hi, Ethan." She spoke in a slightly shaky voice. "It's so nice to meet you.

He smiled back. "Hi." She handed him the picture for him to sign. "What's your name?"

"Sabrina." She stated.

Ethan nodded. He finished signing it and moved the picture towards her. "Hi, Sabrina. How long have you been watching the channel?"

She blushed. "Oh gosh, pretty much since you started. You've always been really funny. And you were there for me when I was going through some tough stuff. Thank you."

Ethan grinned. "Thank you. If it wasn't for people like you, I wouldn't be where I am today." She handed him the copy of the picture he signed and the Gizmo. "These are really cool. Did you make these yourself?"

Sabrina nodded. "Yeah, I did. Do you like them?"

Ethan nodded. "Definitely. They're really cool. Thank you."

Sabrina nodded, then turned to you. She paused for a moment, then reached up and took the flower crown off of her head, handing it to you. "Here."

You shook your head. "No, you keep it. I don't need anything."

"Just take it." She insisted. "Ethan's girlfriend needs to have something from today." She grinned. "Besides, I have an extra one just like this in my hotel room, so it's fine."

You hesitated, but took the flower crown out of her hands and carefully put it on your head. "Thank you, Sabrina. That means a lot."

She nodded. "You're welcome." She glanced at Ethan. "It's not every day that you meet someone like Ethan."

You quickly took out your phone. "Do you have Twitter?" She nodded. "What is it?" She told you, and you followed her and sent her a direct message. "I hope we see each other again."

She blushed madly, nodding. "You too." She waved goodbye as she walked away.

"She was really nice." You commented.

Ethan nodded. "A lot of my fans are. That's why I like the community they created. There's a lot of communities out there where people are just rude to each other. But I've never seen that in this one. Everyone is really nice."

You smiled to yourself. You really did hope to see Sabrina again.

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