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You just finished putting the finishing touches on your outfit when you heard a knock on your door. You hurriedly grabbed your purse and keys, said goodbye to your dogs, and walked out the door.

Ethan stood there, grinning at you. "Hey there, beautiful."

You blushed, turning away so you could both lock the door and hide your face from him. "Don't call me that."

"What? I'm telling the truth."

You hurriedly made your way to his car. "Don't call me that."

"Why not?" He tried catching up with you.

You could hardly contain your giggles. "Don't!" You jumped in the car.

Ethan got in shortly after. "Fine then. I won't."

You laughed, the red in your cheeks disappearing. "Good." Ethan started the car and drove away from your apartment. "So, where are we going for lunch?"

He glanced at you. "So, apparently, Mark just ordered pizzas and had them delivered to the office, so we're going there for lunch. I hope that's not a problem for you."

You shook your head, laying your hand on the center console. "That's perfectly fine. I have no problem with eating pizza."

He grinned, laying his hand on top of mine. "Good." He nodded. "Because that's exactly what we'll be doing. Well, maybe I can show you around, too."

I grinned, too. "Sounds like fun."

It was silent for a while, the both of us enjoying holding each other's hand and each of us keeping our thoughts to ourselves.

Eventually, Ethan broke the silence. "So, I was thinking."

I smirked. "You always are."

"I know." I giggled slightly. "But seriously."

"Okay, so tell me. What's on your mind?"

"Okay." He took a deep breath. "So, I'm going to a convention next week in Indiana. It's called Indy Popcon, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with and stay with me."

I shook my head. "Ethan, it's a nice gesture, but I can't. I mean, I don't think I'll have the money for a plane ticket, especially after my bills are paid. Besides, even if I did, I don't have anyone who could take care of Max and Ruby."

He glanced at me. "Easy solution. I can cover your plane ticket, and don't worry about a room because you'll be staying with me. And Mark will be taking care of Max for me. Maybe I can convince him to take care of your dogs, too."

I smiled. "Ethan, you don't have to-"

"But I want to." He squeezed my hand.  "I'm going to be too busy this week making and editing videos, so I can't really see you. If you went with me to the convention, we could spend all day together, and I could make up for the week I spent ignoring you. I want you to come, (Y/n). That's why I asked in the first place."

You blushed as Ethan poured his heart out. You didn't mean for him to say all of that, but it warmed your heart when he did. You knew that he really wanted you to come. "Okay, fine. I'll go." He grinned. "But how will I ever pay you back?"

He shook his head. "Just coming with is payment enough. Don't worry about it."

You grinned. "I can't wait."

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