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"He's late." You sighed, checking your phone for the fifth time. It was 12:15 the next day. You were starting to believe Ethan forgot about the hangout.

Ruby sat in front of you, looking up at you. You smiled and leaned over, scratching her behind her ears. "At least I have you, Ruby." Max whined behind her, and you giggled. "You, too, Max. What would I be without you two?"

"(Y/n)!" You heard someone yell from behind you. You stood up and turned around, seeing Ethan run towards you, his dog running next to him.

He stopped a few feet in front of you, panting. "Sorry I'm late. The last video took a while to edit."

You smiled. "It's okay." You handed him your extra bottle of water. "Here. Drink it."

He opened it and took a large gulp. "Thanks."

You nodded. "No problem." You looked down and giggled. "It looks like Max and Ruby are getting along."

Ethan looked at them as they ran around and smiled. "It looks like it."

You gestured to the bench. "Mind if we sit?"

The two of you sat on the bench for two hours, just talking to each other and watching your dogs play around. You talked about things like your likes and dislikes, what breed of dogs you liked best, and your dream career.

Eventually, the two of you had to head home. You grabbed your dogs and put them on their leashes.

"So... will I see you again soon?" He asked you as you both started walking out of the park.

You giggled. "Maybe."

"Can we do this again sometime? Maybe without the dogs."

You cocked your head at him. "Are you trying to ask me out again?"

Ethan blushed. "Is it really that obvious?" You nodded, and he sighed. "Yes, I am. You're just a really cool person. I... I haven't met someone like you for a long time."

It was your turn to blush. From what he said, he worked with four really amazing people. If he said that to you, then it must be true.

You smiled. "Yes, Ethan. I'd be happy to go on a date with you."

He grinned. "Great. Uhm, this weekend, maybe? Saturday?" You nodded. "Okay. I'll get everything ready."

You came to the entrance of the park. "Well, see you later." You told Ethan.

He nodded. "Bye, (Y/n)."

The two of you went your separate ways.

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